physical anthropology midterm 1


was an English naturalist.He established that all species of life have descended over time from common ancestry, and proposed the scientific theory that this branching pattern of evolution resulted from a process that he called natural selection. Darwin w

Alfred Russel Wallace

as a British naturalist, explorer, geographer, anthropologist and biologist. He is best known for independently proposing a theory of evolution due to natural selection that prompted Charles Darwin to publish his own theory. did extensive fieldwork, first

James Watson & Francis Crick

1953: doscovered the DNA molecule
1962: recieved the noble prize for physiology and ,medicine.
Wilkins took Franklins photo and watson therefore discovered the structure of DNA w/ Crick

Rosalind Franklin

took x-ray photographys of DNA her pluto 51 was taken by Wilkins and shown by Watson
Watson there after determined the structure of DNA w/ Crick.
Franklin later worked for on the tabacco mossaic virus. (1st virus to be discovered) then the polio virus.

Gregor Mendel

The father of modern genetics" (1822-1884) Argintinian monk
conducts experiments by using pea plants, records the results and uses the mathmatical applicaiton.
Trained in physics, chemistry, mathmatics, and biology
Dev. 2 law in Biology: The Law of Segre


was the first sheep to be gentically modified. aged really quick.

Richard Fliehr


Henrietta Lacks

dies form cervic cancer
poor african american women
mother of 5
her cells get cultivated by George Guy and are immortal used to solve a bunch a viruses, including making the polio vaccine.

George Guy

cultivates Henrietta's cells and named them hela cells. guy and others spent over 30years trying to cultivate human cells.
Guy gave the "hela" cells to others but kept the identity of the cells secretive for decades.


organisms with no nucleas
these organisms include bacteria and archea
may prokaryotes posses plasmids, autonomous circular DNA molecules


organisms w/ DNA bould w/ in a nucleas
These organisms include: animals, plants, fungi, and protists
in animals MITOCHONDRIA processes their own DNA (power plant)
In plants, CHLORPLASTS posses their own DNA.


A codon is a three-base sequence (three nitrogen bases in a row) on mRNA. It calls for a specific amino acid to be brought to the growing polypeptide