Anthropology Ch 4 Online Quiz

The theoretical anaylsis of interaction between culture and enviornment that argued that particular cultures evolved independently of others is called:

multilinear evolution

Psychological anthropology was developed by:

students of Boas interested in the question of the relationship of personality and culture

In the cultural law of C=ET of Leslie White, the variables are:

culture, energy, technology

Anthropological theories in the 21st century are:

often built upon what was learned from earlier theories

Which of the following is not true of evolutionism?

Evolutionism takes an inductive approach to analyzing other socities

Morgan proposed that the three stages of savagery were associated with:

food collecting

Most anthropologists today:

do not tie themselves to a single theoretical orientation

The primary aim of ethnoscience is to:

understand a culture from the point of view of the people themselves

Which theory approaches society like a biological organism with many interconnected parts?


Diffusionism and evolutionism had in common:

the idea of a deductive approach

Postmodernists emphasize:

the rejection of generalizing and developing predictable theories

Leslie White, in his theory, focused on the harnessing of energy and:

humans' use of technology to "capture energy

Why are binary oppositions significant to French Structuralism?

Ut us believed to be the primary mode of human thought

Levi-Strauss's approach emphasizes the importance of:

certain codes, programmed into the human mind, which are responsible for shaping cultures.

Psychological anthropology was developed by:

students of Boas interested in the question of relationship of personality and culture

Which of the following is a primary weakness of French Structuralism?

It is a theory that cannot be tested empirically.

The school of diffusionism could not explain any of the following except:

how cultural contact leads to culture change

Which theory operates on the assumption that cultures must be described in terms of native categories?


Boas trained nearly the entire first generation of American anthropologists, including:

Ruth Benedict

Cultural materialism:

emphasizes the etic approach

Frank Boas argued that the discipline of anthropology needed:

the careful collection of empirical data on as many specific cultures as possible

Edward Sapir felt that culture existed:

within the interactions of individuals

French structuralism concentrates on:

the identification of mental structures that undergird social behavior