IB Higher Spanish - Advanced phrases

sea como sea

be that as it may

pase lo que pase

whatever happens

que yo sepa

as far as I know

para que sea

so that it is

a lo mejor


me aburr� como una ostra

I got really bored

de tal palo tal astilla

he's a chip off the old block

no pidas peras al olmo

don't ask for the impossible



desde mi punto de vista

from my point of view

a�n as�

even so

es imprescindible que todo el mundo entienda

it's vital that everyone understands

lo bueno es que

the good thing is that

al fin y al cabo

at the end of the day

es alucinante

it's amazing

despu�s de haber le�do el texto

after having read the text

al pensar sobre el asunto

upon thinking about the issue





del dicho al hecho hay mucho trecho

easier said than done

al entender eso

upon understanding that

si fuera �l

if I was him

por fin


despu�s de pensar mucho he llegado a la conclusi�n de que

after thinking a lot I've arrived at the conclusion that

lamento que la gente no sea as�

it makes me sad that people are not like this

dudo que mucha gente sepa

I doubt many people know

es imprescindible que hablemos sobre

it's vital we talk about


according to

no hace falta

it's not necessary

es evidente

it's obvious