ClinChem Hematology

What does a CBC include that is not part of a hemogram?

WBC Differential Count/Schilling Differential

Define hematocrit

% volume of RBC in blood

List 4 RBC Indices


Define anemia

Decreased RBC count, Hb, Hct
Decreased oxygen carrying capacity of blood

What would cause a relative polycythemia?


What is another name for primary polycythemia?

Polycythemia Vera, True Polycythemia

What would cause a secondary polycythemia?

Altitude increase and smoking

How is MCV calculated?


How is MCH calculated?


How is MCHC calculated?


Define macrocytosis

RBCs are larger than normal

Define microcytosis

RBCs are smaller than normal

How is MCV affected in a microcytic anemia?

MCV decreases

Define Hyperchromic

Having higher than normal amounts of Hb in RBC

Name an anemia with an increased MCHC

Hereditary Spherocytosis

Name an anemia with a decreased MCHC

Iron Deficiency Anemia, Chronic Blood Loss Anemia, Thalassemia

What is RDW?

RBC Size Distribution Width - Gives coefficient of variation of size of RBC

Define anisocytosis

Variation in RBC size

How does hemolysis affect RDW?

Increases RDW

Define poikilocytosis

Variation in RBC shape

Define schistocytosis

Fragmentation of RBCs

What is the reference range for the WBC count?

5000-11,000 WBCs/mm3

List 3 granulocytes

Neutrophils, Eosinophils, Basophils

List 2 agranulocytes

Lymphocytes and Monocytes

How many lobes are there on the nucleus of a normal neutrophil?


Define leukemoid reaction

Increase in RBC count due to infection and other diseases. It is temporary and not due to cancer

Define leukocytosis

Increased WBC production (>11,000/mm3)

Define erythrocytosis

Increased RBC production

Name an anemia associated with leukopenia

Pernicious Anemia, Folate Deficiency Anemia, Myelopthisic Anemia

How is WBC count affected with bacterial infection?

Increased WBC

How is absolute value of a specific type of WBC calculated?

Relative value x WBC Count

List several other names for neutrophils

Polymorphonuclear Neutrophils, PMN, Segs, Polys

List two names for immature neutrophils

Band and Stab Cell

Eosinophilia and basophilia are often associated with which two pathologies?

Allergies and Parasites

Increased atypical lymphocytes often indicate what disease?

Infectious Mononucleosis

Shift to the Left

Increase in number of immature neutrophils

Shift to the Right

Increase in number of mature neutrophils

What would cause a shift to the left?

Bacterial Infection

What would cause a shift to the right?

Megaloblastic Anemia and Cancer

What is another name for platelets?


What is the follow up test for an increased/decreased platelet estimate?

Order Platelet Count

What is the approximate ratio of RBC count to WBC count?

1000 RBC : 1 WBC

50% of patients with an unexplained platelet increase have what condition?


Myeloproliferative neoplasms affect what tissu?

Bone Marrow

What are the normal types of hemoglobin in adults?

A1, A2 and F

Hemoglobin A1

2 alpha and 2 beta

Hemoglobin A2

2 alpha and 2 delta

Hemoglobin F

2 alpha and 2 gamma

What does an elevated ESR indicate?

Infection, Inflammation and Malignancy


Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate - abnormal plasma proteins cause rouleaux formation and faster settling

What does polychromatophilia or polychromasia indicate?

Abnormally high number of immature RBC (change in colour)

0.5-1.5% if circulating RBCs are what type of cell?

Reticulocytes (immature)

Heme is composed of which two components?

Iron and Porphyrin Ring

How is the reticulocyte count affected by effective treatment of a deficiency anemia?


Name the microorganism associated with malaria

Plasmodium falciparum

What is the most common type of anemia?

Iron Deficiency Anemia

What is the number one cause of iron deficiency anemia?

Chronic Blood Loss

What is the second most common type of anemia?

Anemia of Chronic Disease

Name the test that would identify an abnormal type of hemoglobin

Hemoglobin electrophoresis

Name three hemoglobinopathies

Hemoglobin S, Hemoglobin C Increase in Hemoglobin A2 (Thalassemia)

Which protein the blood carries iron?


What does TIBC measure?

Amount of transferrin the blood

How is percent saturation calculated?

(Serum iron/TIBC) x 100

Name two abnormal types of hemoglobin

Hemoglobin S and Hemoglobin C

How are serum iron levels affected with anemia of chronic disease?

Serum Iron decreases

Where is the most of iron in the body located?


What are two storage forms of iron?

Hemosiderin and Ferritin

What is hemochromatosis?

Iron Overload

How does iron deficiency affect TIBC levels?


Which hormone stimulates increased RBC production?


Hematopoiesis that takes place in the liver, spleen and lymph nodes is called what?

Extramedullary Hematopoiesis

Extravascular hemolysis mainly occurs in which organ?


What is the most common familial hemolytic anemia?


Describe the changes to the globin chain in the case of sickle cell anemia

Valine substituted for glutamate @ 6th position of beta chain

How does hemochromatosis affect percent saturation?


What is the best relatively non invasive test of storage iron?

Serum Ferritin

A positive Coomb's test indicates what type of anemia?

Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia, Hemolytic Disease of Newborn

What is another name for Vitamin B12?


What is the most common cause of folate deficiency anemia?

Dietary Insufficiency

Name two causes of macrocytic anemia

B9 and B12 Deficiency Anemia

Which sub-category of neutrophils are increased with megaloblastic anemias?

Hypersegmented Neutrophils

Which vitamins are required for remethylation of homocysteine to methionine?

B9 and B12

Gastric parietal cells synthesize what that is needed for B12 absorption?

Intrinsic Factor

Folic acid supplementation can mask this deficiency

B12 Deficiency

What is the confirmatory test for hereditary spherocytosis?

Osmotic Fragility Test

Which isoform of LDH is elevated with RBC lysis?

LDH Isoenzyme 1

Which test has been used in the past to determine the etiology of B12 deficiency anemia?

Schilling Test

Which vitamin is required for the reaction that converts methylmalonyl CoA to succinyl CoA?


Pica, Pagophagia and Koilonychia are associated with severe cases of which type of anemia?

Iron Deficiency Anemia

What is koilonychia?

Spoon nails

Why might serum ferritin be elevated in anemia of chronic disease?

Iron is low, more is stored in ferritin

Which blood cells may be elevated with acute blood loss anemia?

Leukocytes and Thrombocytes

The anti-intrinsic factor antibody test may be elevated with which anemia?

B12 Deficiency Anemia

Exposure to toxic chemicals drugs, or radiation may cause which type of anemia?

Aplastic Anemia (Marrow Failure)

What causes myelopthisic anemia?

Replacement of bone marrow by infiltrative process such as metastatic carcinoma and granulomatous disease

Name an abnormal RBC type associated with pyridoxine responsive anemia


Which type of bilirubin is elevated in the blood with acute hemolytic anemia?

Indirect Bilirubin

How is urine urobilinogen affected with acute hemolytic anemia?

Increased urobilinogen

Basophilic stippling with chronic hemolytic anemia may be due to what cause?

Lead Poisoning

What do RBC survival studies indicate in the case of chronic hemolytic anemia?

Lifespan of RBCs

How would you describe bone marrow in the case of B12 deficiency anemia?


What is deficient in the case of alpha thalassemia?

Reduces production of hemoglobin. No alpha polypeptide chain synthesis

Does the word trait usually indicate the homozygous or heterozygous form of an anemia?

Trait usually means heterozygous form and asymptomatic

Describe the findings for RBC count and MCV in Thalassemia Minor

Increased RBC and Decreased MCV

Should a patient with Thalassemia be given iron supplements?


Jaundice, leg ulcers, cholelithiasis and splenomegaly are most likely seen with which 3 anemias?

Thalassemia Major, Sickle Cell Anemia, Hereditary Spherocytosis

Severe abdominal and bone pain crises are a feature of which anemia?

Sickle Cell Anemia

What is different about Hemoglobin C compared to Hemoglobin S?

Lysine is substituted for glutamate @ 6th position of beta chain

Which anemia is more serious? Sickle Cell? Hemoglobin C Disease?

Sickle Cell

What is an AKA for hereditary spherocytosis?

Congenital Hemolytic Anemia

What is different about cell membranes in the case of hereditary spherocytosis?

Abnormally impermeable to sodium

Which anemias are microcytic hypochromic?

Iron Deficiency Anemia, Anemia of Chronic Disease, Thalassemia, Pyridoxine Response Anemia

Which anemias are macrocytic?

B9 and B12 Deficiency

Which WBCs elevate with allergies and parasites?

Eosinophils and Basophils

Why do anemias such as sickle cell and thalassemia remain in the gene pool?

Protection against malaria

Which enzyme deficiency leaves older RBCs more sensitive to oxidative damage?

Glucose 6 Phosphate Dehydrogenase

What is the most common cause of B12 Deficiency Anemia?

Lack of Intrinsic Factor

What conditions would elevate serum ferritin?

Hematochromatosis, Inflammatory Disease, Malignancy

Name two negative acute phase reactants

Albumin and Transferrin

Name two positive phase reactants

Ferritin and CRP

How does dehydration affect most lab values?


How does overhydration affect most lab values?


Which lab value is abnormal with secondary polycythemia?

Increased RBCs

How would +4 schistocytosis affect RDW?


Most hemoglobin in the blood is which type?

Hemoglobin A1

What is the confirmatory test for sickle cell anemia and hemoglobin C disease?

Hemoglobin Electrophoresis

Deficiency of which two vitamins interferes with blood cell production?

B9 and B12

Which cell types increase with primary polycythemia?


List 3 confirmatory tests for infectious mononucleosis

Paul Bunnel Test, Monospot, Heterophil Agglutination