vocab words

volition (n)

the faculty or power of using one's will

sordid (adj)

involving immoral or dishonorable actions and motives; arousing moral distaste and contempt

feral (adj)

in a wild state, especially after escape from captivity or domestication (especially of an animal).

acquiescence (n)

the reluctant acceptance of something without protest

austere (adj)

of a stern or strict bearing or demeanor

unobtrusive (adj)

not conspicuous or attracting attention

impassive (adj)

not feeling or showing emotion

habiliments (n)

a covering designed to be worn on a persons body (clothes lol)

quelling (v)

putting an end to (a rebellion or other disorder) typically by the use of force

edification (n)

the moral or intellectual instruction or improvement of someone

succinct (adj)

(especially of something written or spoken) briefly or clearly expressed

lavations (n)

the act of bathing or getting oneself clean

pinioned (n)

confined; held down

demurred (n)

act of hesitating or objecting, or indecision.

impertinence (n)

lack of respect; rudeness

temerity (n)

excessive confidence or boldness; audacity.

edification (n)

the moral or intellectual instruction or improvement of someone