GRE Vocabulary words 1


give up, renounce; repudiate, recant, or shun (especially formally or under oath)
Usage: To become a citizen of the United States, you must _____ loyalty to the nation of your birth.
Since enrolling in that nutrition class, she has ____ sugar and saturate


rough, suitable for grinding or polishing (such as sandpaper); causing irritation or annoyance
Usage: Could the inside of this mascot costume be any more _____? It's rubbing my skin raw! I have some seriously ______ remarks for whoever designed this thing


Condense or curtail; shorten by omitting parts throughout while retaining the main idea.
Usage: Our romantic vacation was ____when the baby sitter called to say that the kids were sick and we should come home.
Audio books are almost always ____, since few


Hold back, refrain (especially from something bad or unhealthy) decline to vote
Usage: The church board voted on whether to hold an _____nence rally to encourage young people not to become sexually active.
Related Words: Temperance (moderation, holding ba


Summit, peak, highest point
Usage: The ____ of my vacation was when I finally climbed to the ___ of the mountain and enjoyed the gorgeous vista.
Related Words: Summit, Pinnacle (synonyms), Apex (vertex, tip, point), Apogee (high point, point at which the


The practice of pursuing political or other goals through vigorous action,often including protests and demonstrations,
Usage: Lindsay's parents had a hard time accepting that, after incurring $100,000 in student loans, their daughter had decided to enter


Stick (to), such as with glue, or to a plan or belief
Usage: I have a message board that ______ to my refrigerator with magnets; on it, I've written some affirmations to help me ____ to my diet plan.
Related Words: Abide by (follow, conform to), Cohere (b


Mildly scold;caution, advise, or remind to do something
Usage: She was an exacting boss castigated an employee for jamming the copier, yet she merely _______ her five-year-old for the same offense.
Related Words: Reprove, upbraid, reprimand, and rebuke ar


Opposing, harmful
Usage: Pioneer women persevered despite ____ circumstances, even when fording a river-- baby in one arm, leading a horse with the other-- against an ______ current.
Related Words: Antagonistic (hostile, acting in opposition)
More Info: _

(verb, noun)

Speak or argue in favor of (verb); a person who pleads for a cause or on behalf of another person (noun)
Usage: I cannot possibly vote for a candidate who ______ oil drilling in federally protected nature preserves.
Children often have ____ appointed to r

(adj, noun)

concerning the appreciation of beauty or good taste, pertaining to the science of what is beautiful (adj.); a set of principles or tastes guiding an artistic practice (noun)
Usage: The twins were so different. One possessed a truly baroque _____, preferri