Programming 1A Vocabulary Words - Set 4

control structures

A programming language construct which affects the flow of the program's execution.

relational operators

A programming language construct or operator that tests or defines some kind of relation between two entities.

logical operators

A symbol that denotes a logical operation


Programming conditional statement that, if proved true, performs a function or displays information.

if - else

A programming language statement that compares two or more sets of data and tests the results. If the results are true, the THEN instructions are executed; if not, the ELSE instructions are executed.


Software code that is fully contained within another block of software code.

switch case

A programming construct for selecting one of several possible blocks of code or branch destinations depending on the value of an expression.


Operators that add or subtract one from their operand.


An action that takes place only if a specific condition is met.


A set of instructions or structures are repeated in a sequence a specified number of times or until a condition is met.

initial value (loop)

The value of a variable before the loop is executed.

terminal value (loop)

The value of a variable after the loop is executed.

incremental value (loop)

A value that is changed by a fixed amount in a sequential manner.

step value (loop)

The amount that a variable is increased or decreased each time a loop executes.

+= indexing

Shorthand way to increment a variable.

-= indexing

Shorthand way to decrement a variable.


a counter that is incremented to point to a relative location in a set of elements.


A variable that is incremented or decremented to iterate through a program element.


Executes one or more instructions repeatedly so long as some condition evaluates to true.


A control flow statement that executes a block of code at least once, and then repeatedly executes the block, or not, depending on a given Boolean condition at the end of the block

for loop

A loop construct which repeatedly executes some instructions while a condition is true.

infinite loops

A loop that executes without ending. Typically because of a problem (bug) in the program.

exit condition

A condition that leads to exiting from a programming loop.

pre-test loop

A loop that tests a condition before executing, and may not execute at all.

accumulate total

A total formed by iteratively adding a value to a sum.


The process of subdividing a computer program into separate sub-programs


A set of instructions that performs a specific task for a main routine, requiring direction back to the proper place in the main routine on completion of the task.


A procedure that is executed when an object receives a message.


A named section of a program that performs a specific task.

value parameter

A value that is passed to a function.

reference parameter

A pointer to a value that is passed to a function.

return value

A value that is returned after execution of a function.

scope of identifiers

The code in which the identifier is known (or accessible).

local variable

A variable that is known only within the current code.