World History Ch. 2 Sec. #1


the land between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers

Fertile Cresent

an arc land in between the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean Sea

rich soil, abundant crops

Fertile Cresent was able to sustain an early civilization because it had ______, and _________


mud or clay or small rocks deposited by a river or lake


the process of supplying water to land to grow crops on a regular basis

Assyria, Akkad, Sumer

Three 3 general areas of Ancient Mesopotamia are ______, ________, _______


the earliest known civlization; were the first to have a language and are responsible for the creation of irrigation technology, cunieform, and religious conceptions.

Eridu, Ur, Uruk

By 3000 BC, Mesopotamia had established many cities like ________, __________, _______


an area that governed itself and controlled the sorrounding countryside politically and economically

Mud Bricks

Ancient Mesopotamia used ____ _____ to build things like arches, the dome, and some of the largest buildings in the world


a massive stepped tower on which was built a temple dedicated to the chief god or goddess of a sumerian city

physically, economically, politically

Temples served as the center of the city for reasons __________, ___________, ________


a government by divine authority

nobles, commoners, slaves

The 3 major social groups of Sumerican city-states were ________, _______, ________


royal and priestly officials and their families


worked for palace and temple estates and as farmers, merchants, fishers, and craftsmen


belonged to palace officials

building, and farming

Male slaves had jobs like _______, and _______

weave clothing, grind grain

Female slaves had jobs like _______


this civilization included Semitic people living north of Sumeria; united city-states of Mesopotamia; first empire in history; established by Sargon the Great

Semitic people

People who speak a subset of the Afroasitic languages


Sargon overran the sumerian city-states and set-up the first empire in ____ BC


large political unit of state, usually under a single leader, that controls many people and territories


city state south of Akkad rule by Hamurrabi

Hammurabi's Code

based on a system of strict justice


a system that was part of Hammurabi's Code meaning "an eye for an eye


society dominated by men


power spiritual beings who permeated all aspects of the universe


Belief in many gods


wedged shaped" system of writing in which wedge shaped impressions were made on clay tablets


the process of assembling troops and supplies and making them ready for war


study of the earth's surface


In Greek, Meso means ________


In Greek, potamos means ________

Fertile Cresent

an arc of land from the Meditteranean Sea to the Persian Gulf

Rich silt

The Tigris and Euphrates rivers flood that resulted into ________

Rich Silt

was deposited when floods occur which made soil rich for a flourishing

Sumer, Akkad, Babylon, Assyria

The 4 areas that ancient Mesopotamia covered were _______, _________, _________, _________


The __________ developed the first Mesopotamian civilization

Sumerian economy

agricultural, but over time, industry and trade


leader of the akkadians, overran the sumerian city-states and set up the first empire in world history

forces, and deities

Mesopotamian believed that the world was controlled by ofter destructive supernatural _____, and _____


gods and goddesses

serve, and obey

Humans' purpose was to _____, and ____ the Gods


a mythical place where Gods live and ME reside and where their results and influence originate


live influencing powers like lover, hate, etc.

record keeping, teaching, law

Writing was used for _______, _______, ______


name for ancient Akkadian scribe school

Cylinder Seal

Mesopotamian system of impressing symbolic notation onto wet clay with a marked cylinder