US History Chapter 4: The Revolutionary War Vocabulary

Lord Charles Cornwallis

the English general who led the British troops and was ultimately defeated

popular sovereignty

a belief that people can and should govern themselves

French and Indian War

a continuation of a European conflict which set the British and their colonists against the French and their Native American allies

Thomas Jefferson

he was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence

George Washington

he was the commander-in-chief of the colonial forces during the Revolutionary War

Stamp Act

this act taxed all printed materials in the colonies

Marquis de Lafayette

French general who assisted colonial forces during the Revolutionary War

Intolerable Acts

a series of acts designed to punish Boston for the Tea Party

Benjamin Franklin

a colonial statesman who convinced Louis XIV of France to support the colonial cause

social contracts

an agreement between those who govern and those who are governed, defending the rights and limits of each

natural rights

theory that human rights are basic and not granted by a government

Thomas Paine

the author of "Common Sense", a pamphlet which helped the colonists join the colonial cause


those colonists who supported remaining with England

Declaration of Independence

the document that declared the independence of the colonists from the British Empire


refusing to buy a product or service as an act of protest

Proclamation of 1763

this act prohibited the colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains

George Grenville

Prime Minister of England during the Revolutionary War

Pontiac's Rebellion

the final Native American revolt against British aggression in the 1760s

George III

the monarch of England during the Revolutionary War


the final battle of the Revolutionary War

Boston Tea Party

colonists used this demonstration to protest the tax on tea

Treaty of Paris

document that officially ended the Revolutionary War

Battle of Saratoga

this battle proved to be the turning point of the war

Abigail Adams

promoted women's rights at the beginning of the Revolutionary war


those colonists who supported breaking away from England