First exam world history study guide

The mortality rate for Africans aboard slaving ships was roughly


What century is considered the "great age" of the atlantic slave trade?

!8th century

During the Atlantic Slave trade which of the following places received the most African slaves?


The Trans-Saharan slave trade focused mostly on


The atlantic slave trade focused mostly on


Up until about 1650 which nation controlled the Atlantic slave trade?


What prevented the Europeans from marching into Africa and capturing slaves themselves?


While the profitability of the slave trade varied, typically profits were


Of the three west African kingdoms discussed in the lecture videos, which two became heavily dependent on the slave trade?

Asante and Dahomey

While involved in the slave trade, Benin was able to resist European demands for more and more slaves. Why was this?

Well developed

In east Africa, in the late 19th century, what percentage of the population were slaves?


In contrast to east and west Africa, southern Africa never developed large scale slavery. Why was this?

Conflict with tribes, difficulty with landscape

How did the decision by the Chinese state to require payment of taxes in silver in the 1570s affect the global economy?

Value skyrocketed

How did the slave trade affect African states?

some African states depended on revenues from the slave trade

How did the Tokugawa shoguns treat Europeans in Japan in the early seventeenth century?

Regular diplomatic relations

The emergence of Japan as a major source of silver production in the sixteenth century contributed to

silver drain

The first direct and sustained link between the Americas and Asia was the trade in


The origins of the Atlantic slave trade were associated with the


What commodity was considered "soft gold" in early modern commerce?


What did the Portuguese do after they established sea routes to the Indian Ocean?

Monopolized spice trade

What was one main difference between how the British East India Company operated in Mughal India and how the Dutch East India Company operated in what is now Indonesia?

The british used treaties with local mughal rulers; the dutch violently conquered and killed many indonesions.

Which describes the role Europeans played in the economy of the early modern era?

Middle men

Which of the following characterizes how European countries sought to control trade in Asia from 1450 to 1750?

by force of arms

Which of the following describes an effect of the European presence in the Indian Ocean on existing Asian commercial networks?

Just another one among a number of thriving trade routes

Which of the following describes an effect of the silver trade on Spain?

It enabled Spanish rulers to pursue military and political ambition in Europe

Which of the following describes how the fur trade affected indigenous peoples in North America?

generated warfare

Which of the following describes the experiences of some women in Africa in the early modern era?

few had access to political power

Which of the following developments in the early modern period provided incentives for europeans to go into the fur trade?

the little ice age

Which of the following distinguished the Atlantic slave trade in the Americas from past instances of slavery in world history?

Slave status was associated with race

Which of the following is an example of the effect of the Atlantic slave trade on African societies?

Judicial proceeding

Which of the following is true of slavery in the premodern Islamic world?

Some slaves acquired prominent military or political status.

Which of the following statements is true of the West African slave trade?

European merchants waited on board their ships or in fortified port cities to purchase slaves from african merchants and elites

Which of the following was a consequence of the Atlantic slave trade?

The african diaspora

Which of the following was a feature of commerce in the Indian Ocean basin when Vasco de Gama reached India in 1498?

Small scale merchants traded openly

Which of the following was a feature unique to the North American fur trade in the early modern period?

Competition between European traders meant that furs were obtained largely

Which of the following was an incentive for the Portuguese to find a direct sea route to Asia?

to circumvent the muslim and vietnam monopolies on indian ocean trade

Which of the following was a result of the fur trade in North America in the early modern period?

the dependence of native americans on european trade goods.

Which of the following was established as a spanish colony in the 16th century?
