World Civ- Ch. 21


upper middle class. The French bourgeoisie eventually rose up to lead the entire third estate in a great social revolution that destroyed feudal privileges and established a capitalist order based on individualism and a market economy.


The removal (during the reigns of Louis XV and Louis XVI) of the divine sanction that had undergirded the absolutism of Louis XIV

American Revolution

WHAT had an enormous practical and ideological impact on France. French expenses to support the colonists bankrupted the Crown, while the ideals of liberty and equality provided heady inspiration for political reform.

general tax

Louis XVI's minister of finance revived old proposals to impose a WHAT on all landed property as well as to form provincial assemblies to administer the tax, and he convinced the king to call an Assembly of Notables to gain support for the idea. The notab

Estates General

A legislative body in pre-revolutionary France made up representatives of each of the three classes, or estates; it was called into session in 1789 for the first time since 1614

National Assembly

The first revolutionary legislature, a constituent assembly made up primarily of representatives of the third estate and a few nobles and clergy who joined them, in session from 1789 to 1791

Great Fear

In the summer of 1789, the fear of vagabonds and outlaws that seized the French countryside and fanned the flames of revolution

constitutional monarchy

A form of government in which the king retains his position as head of state, while the authority to tax and make new laws resides in an elected body

Jacobin Club

In revolutionary France, a political club whose members were a radical republican group

second revolution

From 1792 to 1795, the second phase of the French Revolution during which the fall of the French monarchy introduced a rapid radicalization of politics


A group contesting control of the National Convention in France; it was named after a department in southwestern France


The name for the laboring poor of Paris, so called because the men wore trousers instead of the knee breeches of the aristocracy and middle class; it came to refer to the militant radicals of the city

planned economy

In response to inflation and high unemployment, Robespierre and the government set maximum prices for products, rather than relying on supply and demand


WHAT was the most important product in France?

Reign of Terror

(1793-1794) The period from 1793 to 1794, during which Robespierre used revolutionary terror to solidify the home front of France. Some 40,000 French men and women were killed during this time period.


Patriotic dedication to a national state and mission; it was a decisive element in the French republic's victory


Rising rapidly in the new army, WHO was placed in command of French forces in Italy and won brilliant victories there in 1796 to 1797. He was named first consul of the republic.

Bank of France

Napoleon and the leading bankers of Paris established the privately owned WHAT, which served the interests of both the state and the financial oligarchy

Third Coalition

Austria, Russia, and Sweden joined with Britain to form the WHAT against France shortly before the Battle of Trafalgar.

Grand Empire

Napoleon's name for the European empire over which he intended to rule. This consisted of France, a number of lesser dependent states ruled by his relations, and several major allied states (Austria, Prussia, and Russia)


Comes to France with a Marriage deal. France and Austria got along for the first time. Comes with the intention of marrying Louis XVI. He was not interested in her and took a long time to consumate the marriage. Kept spending $ on luxurious things and cou

Louis XVI

wants revenge on Britain for the loss of his grandfather and helps Americans with the Revolutionary war. *Start of financial strain

Maximilien Robespierre

He was a lawyer and a member of the National Convention. Led the Mountain side of the National Convention. Had the Mountains join forces with the sans-culottes, as well as joining the Committee of Public Safety. Helped France's financial situation through


France's traditional national assembly with representatives of the three estates, or classes, in French society: the clergy, nobility, and commoners. Believed 3rd state should have more representations


a great fortress in Paris that stood as a symbol of royal tyranny. On July 14, 1789, at the beginning of the French Revolution, a large crowd of Parisians captured the Bastille. This act convinced King Louis XVI to withdraw his troops from Paris and to ac

Tennis Court Oath

a pledge made by the members of France's National Assembly in 1789, in which they vowed to continue meeting until they had drawn up a new constitution

Old Regime

the social and political system in France where the people were divided into three social classes or estates


Radical republicans during the French Revolution. They were led by Maximilien Robespierre from 1793 to 1794.

National Assembly

French Revolutionary assembly (1789-1791). Called first as the Estates General, the three estates came together and demanded radical change. It passed the Declaration of the Rights of Man in 1789

Jean-Paul Marat

One of the prominent radical leaders during the revolution. He edited a radical newspaper. He called to rid France of the enemies of the Revolution. He kept calling for violence and for more people to be killed. Charlotte-Corday murdered him.

Charlotte Corday

She killed Marat. She hoped that killing him would end the violence and bring peace. It did not. She was guillotined for the crime.

Georges Danton

French revolutionary leader who stormed the Paris bastille and who supported the execution of Louis XVI but was guillotined by Robespierre for his opposition to the Reign of Terror (1759-1794); led the Sans-Culottes; Dominated the Committee of Public Safe

Committee of Public Safety

The leaders under Robespierre who organized the defenses of France, conducted foreign policy, and centralized authority during the period 1792-1795. Instigated the reign of terror. 12 people who ruled france. Suspended the constitution. Any enemy of the r

Declaration of the Rights of Man

Written by the National Assembly. Stated very well that political sovereignty did not rest in the hands of a monarch but rather with the nation at large. All citizens were equal before the law and in enjoyment of rights and responsibilities of society. Fr


Factions of the National Assembly. More moderate in the national assembly. Voted to not kill the king.

Jacques Hebert

radical revolutionary. Jacobin. Responsible for dechristinaization.

Regin of Terror

(1793-1794), the period from mid-1793 to mid-1794, when Maximilien Robespierre ruled France nearly as a dictator and thousands or political figures and ordinary citizens were executed. Police spies turned them in if they do not like what they hear. Revolu