World history 1- The Roman World quiz

The city of ______________________ was considered to be on of Rome's greatest enemies.


Where would one find the richest soil in Italy?

Western part of the Peninsula

Based on the map, what seas surround the Italian Peninsula?

- Ionian

The Greek colony of _______________________ helped spread Greek influence to Rome.

Magna Graecia

Where would one find fertile land on the Italian Peninsula?

Po River Valley

Who were the early Italians to found the city of Rome?


Which statements are considered to be inaccurate in regard to the life of Octavian?

- ended political wars that plagued Rome
- named Augustus

The Punic War pitted Rome against the naval power of ________________.


The two brothers that championed the plebs and wanted to reform society to help the poor were Tiberius and Gaius ____________________.


Which Punic war saw the complete destruction of Carthage?


Julius Caesar was murdered on what date?

March 15, 44 BC

What did Lepidus do that forced Octavian to remove him from the Triumvirate?

He created an army and navy that invaded Sicily.

Who were the members of the Second Triumvirate? [chooose all that apply]

-Mark Antony
-Marcus Lepidus

In victory, Octavian took the title of


What was the relationship between Octavian and Mark Antony? [choose all that apply]

-They disliked one another.
- They were brothers-in-law.

The "fall of Rome" began with the death of

Marcus Aurelius

What destruction occurred during the reign of Titus?

destruction of Pompeii

Which Roman emperor oversaw the building of a massive wall in Great Britain as a way of protection against barbarians?


Jesus Christ was crucified and then resurrected from the dead during the reign of which Roman emperor?


The Roman Empire reached its largest geographical size under the reign of ______________________.


What title was bestowed upon Augustus to mean "first citizen?


The rebellion led by Spartacus was part of:

the Servile Wars

At the height of Roman society, what percentage of the population of Italy were slaves?


Rome is a good example of

slave society

Who is considered to be the most important Roman writer?


Which of the following best describes Roman society? [choose all that may apply]

- bread and circuses

Who is responsible for writing the Roman version of Homer's Odyssey?


Which Jewish sect was interested in preserving the scribal tradition of interpretation?


The Romans were concerned about Jesus because:

They thought He would encourage the Jews to rebel.

How old was Jesus when he conversed with the teachers in the Temple?


Which ancient religious tradition focused on obtaining secret knowledge of human destiny?


Which Jewish sect was more open to Christianity?


Which Christian apologist argued that Christianity was superior to Greek philosophy?


Which church father wrote the six different versions of the Old Testament?


Which book of the Bible describes when the Holy Spirit descended on the Christ's apostles?


Which Roman historian mentions Christ in his accounts of Christians uprising?


What was one reason the early church fathers decided on a canon of Scripture?

Heretical teachers began to put together a list of books.

Before Paul converted to Christianity, what did he do?

persecute Christians

Where was it that the term "Christian" was first used to denote a follower of Christ?


What heretical group argued that the Lord's Supper and Baptism was insufficient if administered by lapsed priests?


Which church father spent his entire life battling Arian thought?


What did not occur when Christianity became the popular religion of Rome?

Everyone turned to sincere worship.

What was one reason for the specificity of the creeds?

None of these are correct.

What was the result of the Council of Nicaea?

Christ was as eternal as the Father.

Which church council rejected the heretical view that Jesus was two separate people (one divine, one human) and stated He had two natures in one divine person?


Which statement(s) about Theodosius are correct? [choose all that may apply]

-permanently split the empire between east and west
-made Christianity the official religion of Rome
-established his capital at Byzantium

Which statement best describe Diocletian?

He slowed down the empire's decline.

Septimius Severus gained the support of the Roman army because he:

bribed the army

The Edict of Milan did what?

extended religious toleration to Christians