U.S. History, Chapter 10, 1-2

The North

Which part of the U.S. was industrialized?

The South

What part of the U.S. was agricultural?

The South

Which part of the U.S. used Slave Labor?

The North

Which part of the U.S. did immigrants come to?

They had factories where they made many different kind of products.

What kind of industry did the North have?

They used Railroads

What kind of transportation did the North use?

They carried raw materials East to the Factories in the North and then carried the manufactured goods and settlers to the West.

What did the Railroads do?

They became large cities as people moved West.

What happened to the small towns?

The telegraph

What made communication faster?

In Factories

Where did the people in the North work?

Sewing machines, farm equipment, guns

What kind of products were made in the factories?

They came to work in the factories and make money.

Why did Immigrants come to the North to work?

Yes, but they were small.

Where there any farms in the North?

To work on the plantations.

Why did the South need slaves?

Because they did not have to pay the slaves for their work.

Why did the people in the South use slaves instead of hiring immigrants or tother people?

They grew cash crops like Cotton.

What kind of crops did the Plantation owners grow in the South?

They grew staple crops, for their own food.

What kind of crops did the small farms in the North grow?

Cash crops like Cotton.

What did the economy of the South depend on?

Factories and the production of goods.

What did the economy of the North depend on?

Only 10%

How many manufactured goods were made in the South?

The Rivers

What did the South use for Transportation?

They did not want to use farmlands for railroad tracks.

Why didn't the South want to use the Railroad for Transportation?

They opposed slavery

Did immigrants from Europe Support or Oppose Slavery?

There were no jobs for immigrants. The salves did all the work for free.

Why didn't the immigrants settle in the South?

They were afraid the slaves would take their jobs because the slaves worked for free and the immigrants wanted to get paid. Slave labor would compete with free labor.

Why were the immigrants afraid of the expansion of slavery?

They were afraid it would change their economy if there was no slavery. Their lives would become harder if they had to pay for labor or workers.

What were the Whites in the South afraid of if slavery was restricted?

Slavery should not be allowed in the territory that the U.S. got from the war in Mexico.

What did the Wilmot Proviso or 5th Amendment say?

California, Utah and New Mexico would NOT become slave states.

What did the Wilmot Proviso mean?

They wanted more Slave States. If there were more free states than slave states, the free states might try to abolish slavery. The free states might also have more power in congress.

Why was the South opposed to the Wilmot Proviso?

They believed slaves were property. Property was protected under the U.S. Constitution.

What did the South believe about slaves?

The North did not want more slave states. There would not be jobs for Free workers in Slave States. The Slave States would also have more power in Congress

Why did the North support Wilmot Proviso?

No, it was approved by the House of the Representatives but not by the Senate.

Was the Wilmot Proviso passed into law?

Many people moved to California to mine for Gold

Why did the population in California grew so quickly?

He said that each territory should vote to decide whether they wanted to be a slave or free state. Popular Sovereignty

What was President Zachary Taylor's position on the admission of States as Slave or Free?

The South saw popular sovereignty as a move to block slavery and an attack on the Southern Way of Life. They began to consider Succession?

What did the South think about Popular Sovereignty?

It is a state leaving the union of the U.S. and making their own country.

What is succession?

The people voted by popular sovereignty to become a Free State.

What happened to the California Territory?

California would be admitted as a Free State: North
Utah and New Mexico decided by Popular Sovereignty: Both
Texas/New Mexico Border settled: Both
Stricter Fugitive Slave Act: South
Slave Trade Banned, but slavery permitted in D.C.: North

What was the compromise of 1850 offered by Clay and what side supported each issue?

The Senate rejected the compromise.

Was the compromise of 1850 accepted?

Stephen Douglas

Who offered the Compromise of 1859?

It broke up the compromise into pieces and Senators could vote for the parts they liked and against the parts they didn't like.

Why was the Compromise of 1859 accepted?

It said that escaped slaves had to be returned to their owners

What was the Fugitive Slave Act?

They had no rights. They did not have the right to a jury trial and they could not testify for themselves.

What rights did the Slaves have under the Fugitive Slave Act?

They were finded $1,000.00 and/or 6 months in prison.

What happened if people were convicted of helping a slave escape?

They formed committees to send African American Slaves to Canada.

How did the Northerners respond to the Fugitive Slave Act?

Northerners said runaway slaves could not go to prison, should be granted jury trials and their lawyers dragged out the trials so that it would cost the slave owners more money.

What were the Personal Liberty Laws?

A secret network of people who helped slaves escape to the North.

What was the Underground Railroad?

People who hid fugitives in secret tunnels, gave them food and clothing and took them to the next hiding place or Station.

Who were the conductors?

A hiding place

What was a station?

Tunnels that the slaves took to safety.

What were secret tunnels?

An escaped slave who was a conductor on the Underground Railroad. She rescued 300 slaves.

Who was Harriet Tubman?

A book written by Harriet Beecher Stowe.

What was Uncle Toms Cabin?

It showed that slavery was a moral and a political problem. Talked about the Evil of Slavery.

Why was Uncle Tom's Cabin so important?

North: Abolitionists increased their fight against slavery and the Fugitive Slave Act.
South: Saw the book as an attack on the south and the southern way of life.

How did each side react to Uncle Tom's Cabin?

He wanted a railroad between Chicago and San Francisco. He wanted to make a deal with the Southerners who wanted a railroad in the South. He believed most Americans wanted the territories to be part of the Union.

Why did Stephen Douglas want to organize the Kansas and Nebraska territories?

It allowed the territories to determine whether they would be slave or free states by popular sovereignty.

What was the Kansas -Nebraska act of 1854?

It repealed the Missouri Compromise and led to a nasty debate in Congress.

Why was the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 so important?

They were people who were pro-slavery. They crossed the border from Missouri, a slave state and voted illegally that Kansas become a slave state.

Who were the "Border Ruffians"?

Lecompton, Kansas

Where was the pro-slavery capital?

They set up their own anti-slavery government in Topeka, KS

What did the Abolotionists do in Kansas after it was elected a slave state?

Pro-slavery grand jury said the anti slavery people of Lawerence, KS were traitors. They burned the antislavery headquarters and looted the town.

What happened at the "Sacking of Kansas"?

Abolotionist John Brown sought revenge for what happened at Lawrence. He ileed 5 pro-slavery men and chopped their hands off at Potawatomie Creek.

What happened at the "Pottawatomie Massacre"?


How many people were killed in Bleeding Kansas incidents?

Senator Charles Sumner attacked supporters of slavery, especially Senator Andrew Butler of South Carolina. Congressman Preston S. Breaks beat Sumner over the head with his cane.

What happened in the Senate druing the "Bleeding Kansas