US History Regents New Deal Programs

Emergency Banking Act

temporarily closed down all banks until inspection (when they were strong enough)

FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) Glass-Steagall Act

Federal guarantee of savings accounts

FERA (Federal Emergency Relief Administration)

provided direct aid (cash) for unemployed

CWA (Civil Works Administration)

added to PWA to create jobs, hired laborers for construction projects

CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps)

Young men worked on environment projects

NRA (National Recovery Administration)

Set codes for wages, labor, and prices. Guaranteed reasonable profits for business and fair wages.

PWA (Public Works Administration)

allotted money for building roads, bridges, dams, etc. (thousands of jobs created)

21st Amendment

Repealed the 18th amendment, Prohibition.

HOLC (Home Owners Loan Corporation)

refinanced small homes to prevent foreclosure

AAA (Agriculture Adjustment Administration)

encouraged farmers to reduce production. Payed gov't subsidies for every acre plowed under.

SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission)

regulated stock market: placed strict limits on speculative practices.

TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority)

transformed a flooded valley into a rich productive area providing cheap electricity.

WPA (Works Progress Administration)

Gave the unemployed work in building construction and arts programs

Wagner Act

1935, also National Labor Relations Act; granted rights to unions; allowed collective bargaining

Social Security

federal program of disability and retirement benefits that covers most working people

AAA (Agricultural Adjustment Act

protected farmers from falling prices, payments for NOT planting, soil conservation