Jesus was born during
A. Pilate's reign in Judea.
B. Caesar's reign in Judea.
C. Herod's reign in Judea.
D. Hadrian's reign in Judea.

C. Herod's reign

The first settlers in Rome chose the site because
A. the valley surrounded by steep mountains provided protection from invaders.
B. settlers could see invaders from the site on the open plains.
C. it was located on a bay.
D. the soil was fertile.

D. the soil was fertile

4. Who was the first Roman emperor?
A. Augustus Caesar
B. Julius Caesar
C. Hadrian
D. Marcus Aurelius

A. Augustus Caesar

Which of the following is NOT true of women in Rome?
A. They had complete power over what happened in their homes.
B. They had a strong influence on their families.
C. Mothers and wives of some Roman emperors held a lot of political power.
D. The amount o

A. They had complete power over what happened in their homes.

5. Most gladiators in Rome were
A. members of the army.
B. slaves.
C. professional athletes.
D. members of the senate.

B. slaves.

Which of the following contributed to the fall of the Roman Empire?
A. Constantine's mental illness
B. serious economic problems
C. moving the capital to Byzantium
D. an army rebellion

B. serious economic problems

8. Part of the laws in the United States are the Roman ideas of
A. power.
B. social class.
C. peace.
D. justice.

D. justice.

7. Roman society consisted of
E. the poor, the middle class, and the upper middle class.
F. the poor, the upper class, and the wealthy.
G. slaves and the wealthy.
H. slaves, the poor, and the wealthy.

H. slaves, the poor, and the wealthy.

9. The Romans were able to build larger buildings than the Greeks by using
A. a better grade of granite.
B. arches.
C. scaffolding.
D. stairways and ramps.

B. arches

Which of the following is NOT true of slaves in Rome?
A. They were often treated kindly.
B. They could never be free.
C. Some were given much authority in the household.
D. Household slaves had better lives than other slaves.

B. They could never be free.

Romulus and Remus were
A. Roman emperors.
B. Roman generals.
C. the main characters in the story about the beginnings of Rome.
D. the main gods worshiped by the Romans.

C. the main characters in the story about the beginnings of Rome.

Which of the following did Romans value most?
A. being wealthy
B. political freedom
C. family life
D. religious freedom

C. family life

Which of the following is NOT true of the Laws of Twelve Tables?
A. They were created by the governing consuls.
B. They applied equally to all citizens.
C. They hung in the marketplace for all to see.
D. The plebians demanded that these laws be made.

A. They were created by the governing consuls

Which of the following helped turn Christianity into an organized religion?
A. Paul's sermons
B. Paul's status as a Roman citizen
C. Paul's letters
D. Paul's business experience

C. Paul's letters

Jesus preached that
A. there was more than one God.
B. people should love God and their neighbor.
C. only people who led perfect lives would go to heaven.
D. the Jews should overthrow the Roman emperor.

B. people should love God and their neighbor.

Why did the Romans decide to have a dictator during government emergencies?
A. to keep the common people from revolting
B. to keep the senate from deciding to veto the consuls' decisions
C. to ensure that the army had a strong leader
D. to provide leaders

D. to provide leadership when the consuls disagreed

In which of the following ways did the Greeks NOT influence the Romans?
A. architecture and engineering
B. philosophy and religion
C. the use of concrete in building
D. ideas about government

C. the use of concrete in building

Who were the mysterious people who ruled Rome from about 600 B.C. to about 500 B.C. ?
A. Plebians
B. Etruscans
C. Patricians
D. Barbarians

B. Etruscans

Who invaded Rome and overwhelmed the Empire?
A. the Greek army
B. barbarians from the north
C. barbarians from the east
D. Christians from Greece

B. barbarians from the north

The decline of the Roman Empire began under
A. Constantine.
B. Nero.
C. Marcus Aurelius.
D. Commodus.

D. Commodus.


a government in which citizens who have the right to vote select their leaders


one of two officials who led the Roman Republic


a member of an upper-class family in the Roman Republic


an ordinary citizen in the Roman Republic


the rejection of any planned action or rule by a person in power


a ruler who has total control of the government

Pax Romana

the period of stability and prosperity in the Roman Empire, lasting from 27 b.c to a.d 180; "Roman peace


a large amphitheater built in Rome around a.d 70; site of contests and combats between people and animals


a structure that carries water long distances


a large country estate; an important source of food for ancient Rome


an arena in ancient Rome; also the show held there


a person in ancient Rome who fought in an arena for entertainment of public; usually a slave


founder of Christianity; believed by his followers to be the Messiah


a savior in Judaism and Christianity


a follower of a person or a belief


a letter; in the Christian Bible, any of the letters written by disciples to Christian groups


a person who dies for a particular cause


emperor of Rome from a.d 312 to 337; encouraged the spread of Christianity


a soldier who serves for pay in a foreign army


an economic situation in which there is more money with less value

How was Rome governed in the time of the republic?

By a senate of 300 patricians and two consuls. In emergencies a temporary dictator would be appointed.

What led to the decline of the Roman Republic and how did the decline affect the governing of Rome?

Expansion of Roman-controlled territory, conflict between patricians and plebeians, a rise of powerful generals, Caesar ruled Rome as a dictator.

What eventes led to the rise of both Julius and Augustus Caesar?

Caesar conquered all of Gaul, amassing great wealth and gaining the loyalty of his army, which supported him in challenging the senate. Augustus was Caesar's adopted son. He fought and won a civil war after Caesar's death.

Compare the way the Roman senate felt about Julius Caesar with the way they felt about Augustus. Why did they kill Caesar, but later support Augustus?

The senate disagreed with and hated Caesar for challenging its power. After Augustus gained power, however, he respected the senate, which led the senate to support him.

How did the Roman Empire govern its conquered territories?

The Romans broke their territory into provinces, each with its own governor and army. People could worship as they wished and often, local rulers remained in place.

Why was Rome interested in keeping peace in its conquered territories?

Rome wanted conquered peoples to provide the empire with the raw materials it needed.

What contributions did Romans make to law, technology, and architecture?

Roman law codes are the basis for many laws in the western civilization. The Romans invented concrete, used the arch, in their achitecture, and built sturdy roads and aqueducts.

What were the importance of the Roman contributions?

Many of these contributions are still seen today: some aqueducts are still in use, and Roman achitectural style can be seen in many buildings.

Give examples of the ways the rich, the poor, and slaves lived in ancient Rome.

Rich: city mansions, country villas, rich feasts with exotic foods, many slaves, control of government. Poor: crowded apartment buildings, no indoor plumbing, shortages of food, unemployment. Slaves: some lived well. but others did not, could buy their fr

How did the Roman circuses bring the rich, the poor. and slaves together?

People of all classes were attracted to the events presented at the circuses

What were some of Jesus' teachings?

Jesus taught that God was loving and forgiving, people should treat each other well, and if one believed in God one would live eternally.

Why did poor Romans and slaves find Christianity appealing?

Beacuse Christianity gave the poor and slaved the promise of eternal life if they followed Jesus.

What were the strengths and weaknesses of the Roman Empire?

Strengths: Ther Roman Empire was strong in its ability to run a government and rule a giant and varied territory, and to be tolerant of other cultures. The Romans were also brilliant organizers, engineers and lawmakers. Weaknesses: The empire was weak in

What good and bad effects resulted from the great size of the Roman Empire?

Good effects: stability, peace, and shared language and culture that lasted for hundreds of years. Bad effects: hard to govern, territories were acquired by violence.