History Chapter 10 (quiz 6)

The ideas of philosopher Herbert Spencer combined with Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection in human society was called

Social Darwinism

By calling the era the Gilded Age, Mark Twain was declaring that

He believed there to be corruption and suffering beneath all the progress and prosperity

The Gospel of Wealth was a philosophy that held that the wealthy Americans were responsible for using their great fortunes for social progress or for engaging in

Cultural and charitable causes

Just a Darwin had looked at the natural world scientifically, a new movement in art and literature moved away from Romanticism and was called


Jane Addams, who opened Hull House in Chicago, inspired many more such settlements across the country, including the well known Henry Street settlement in New York opened by

Lillian Wald

Edward Bellamy published "Looking Backward", a novel that depicted ideas opposite of Social Darwinism and laissez-faire, and so were essentially a form of


From 1870 until 1920, reformers worked to better conditions in cities according biblical ideals of charity and justice in the

Social Gospel Movement

Like the Salvation Army, the young Men's Christian Association also began in


The idea that some people failed in life simply because they were caught up in circumstances they could not control


The idea that people succeed in the world to because of their ability to compete, but because of there ability to cooperate

Reform Darwinism

Baptist minister and leader in the Social Gospel movement

Walter Rauschenbusch

Entertainment adapted by French theater


Belief that a person could rise in society, and go as far as their talents commitment will take them
