Chapter 1: Early Civilizations


the ways of living built up by a group and passed on from one generation to another
-includes things like courtship, tools, clothing, shelter, ideas, institutions, beliefs, and languages
-culture is learned and not inherited

Early Humans and their Culture


The Paleolithic Age

-nomads-move from place to place
-it was the earliest period
-dates from about 1 million years ago to 10,000 B.C.E.
-People in this age were hunters, fishers, and gatherers
-Paleolithic culture could only support a sparsely settled society
-did not produce their own food
-use of stone tools
-spread out because they couldn't get a lot of people in one area because they could kill all the animals

What led to the Neolithic Revolution?


The Neolithic Age

-settled area
-about 10,000 years ago, some groups in the middle-east began to change from being in a hunter gatherer culture to a more settled agricultural one
-domesticated, know how to plant things
- Neolithic Age comes from the Greek word "new store."
-Neolithic farmers built permanent homes
-Domestication allowed people to settle new areas
-invention of pottery enabled people to store, transport, and cook foods and liquids
-people made cloth from flax+wood
-coincided with advances in stone tool technology
-domesticated productive animals such as sheep and goats, as were food crops including wheat and barley

Neolithic Age: Villages and social status?


Traits of Civilization

civilization- a form of human culture masked by urbanism, technological advancement, social complexity, long distance trade, and symbolic communciation
-The things that are associated with a civilization:
-The earliest writing is associated with the growth of cities
-writing-what was its significance?
-writing was a powerful means of communicating over space and time and invented to deal with urban problems
-fertile soil, created barriers, built around rivers
-all river valley civilizations


1. What was the process behind the creation of early civilizations?
2. What are the similarities and differences among the world's earliest civilizations?

Sumerian cities

-2125 the Sumerian city of UR rose to dominance
-sumerian culture and literature flourished
-after a century, the Third Dynasty of Ur disintegrated in the face of famine and invasion
-Elamites attacked from the East and captured the king
-Amorites attacked from the north and west settling around the Sumerian cities eventually founding their own dynasties
-Unfortunately, the Sumerians gradually disappeared

Sumerian cities

-2125 the Sumerian city of UR rose to dominance
-Sumerian culture and literature flourished
-After a century, the Third Dynasty of UR disintegrated into the face of famine and invasion
-Elamites attacked from the East and captured the king
-Amorites attacked from the north and west settling around the Sumerian cities and eventually founding their own dynasties
-Sumerians gradually disappeared

Sumerian Culture



A writing system invented by the Sumerians that used a wedge shaped stylus, or pointed tool, to write on wet, clay tablets that were then baked or dried {cuneous means "wedge" in latin}
-the writing was also cut in stone


-In the East, a people known as the Akkadians, established their own kingdom at a capital city called Akkad
-conquered all of the Sumerian city-states and invaded southwestern Iran and northern Syria
-included numerous peoples, cities, languages, and cultures, as well as different ecological zones
-history's first empire, having a heartland, provinces, and an absolute ruler
-External attack and internal weakness destroyed the Akkadian empire, but several small states survived independently

chattel slavery

-A form of slavery in which humans are owned as goods; the slave has no legal standing as a person, and few, if any rights

Mesopotamian's: View of the Afterworld

-vague and gloomy picture of the afterworld
-the winged spirits of the dead were recognized as individuals-confined to a dusty, dark, netherworld, doomed to perpetual hunger and thirst unless someone offered them food or drink
-there was no preferential treatment in the afterlife for those who had led religious or virtuous lives -everyone was in equal misery
** Mesopotamian religion focused on problems of this world and how to lead a good life before dying

Egyptian Civilization

-Egyptians recognized two sets of geographical divisions in their country:
-Upper {southern} Egypt-consisted pf the narrow valley of the Nile
-Lower{northern} Egypt-referred to the broad triangular area, named by the Greeks after their letter Delta, formed by the Nile as it branches out to empty into the Mediterranean
-Egyptians made a distinction between the two:
-"Black land"- the dark fertile fields along the Nile
-"Red land"- the desert cliffs and plateous bordering the valley

Nile's significance

#1-made agriculture possible in Egypt's desert environment
#2-served as the major highway connecting Upper and Lower Egypt


-The cataracts, the desert, and the sea made Egypt relatively isolated
-Egypt's security, along with the predictable flood calendar, gave its civilization a more optimistic outlook than that of Mesopotamia
-the 3,000 year span of Egyptian history is divided into thirty-one royal dynasties, clustered into eight periods
-experienced political and social disintegration , rival dynasties often set up separate power bases in Upper and Lower Egypt until a strong leader reunified the land


-the god-kinds of ancient Egypt
-the term originally meant "great house" or "palace



Middle Kingdom

-pharaohs sought to evoke the past by building pyramid complexes like those of the later Old Kingdom rulers
-Gone with the God idea of rulers- the king was directly concerned with his people
-seem thoughtful, careworn, and brooding
-Egypt's relation with its neighbors became more agressive

Egypt's relations

-to the south, royal fortresses were built to control Nubia and the growing trade in African resources
-to the north and east, Syria and Palestine increasingly came under Egyptian influence
-the western Delta established an independent dynasty, ushering into the Second Intermediate Period {1630-1550 B.C.E.}

New Kingdom (1550-(1075 B.C.E.)

-Egypt persuaded foreign expansion with renewed vigor
-economic and political power was at its height
-Military expeditions reached as far north as the Euphrates in Syria with frequent campaign in the Levant
-major Egyptian temples in Sudan
-end of 20th century-Egyptian glory passed

Hitties {Asia Minor}

-destroyed the Mitannian's kingdom
-spoke a language related to Greek and Sanskrit
-By about 1500 B.C.E. established a strong, centralized government w a capital near Ankara, the capital of modern day Turkey
-between 1400 and 1200, they contested Egypt's control of Palestine and Syria
-they played an important role in transmitting the ancient cultures of Mesopotamia and Egypt to the Greeks, who lived on the western frontier
-Gov. is different than that of Mesopotamia-did not claim to be divine or even to be the chosen representatives of God

Kassites {Babylonies}

-unknown origin who spoke their own language
-established at Babylon a dynasty that ruled for nearly 500 years
-organized into tribal families and carved out great domains for themselves in Babylonia
-promoted Babylonian culture and many of the important works of Babylonian literature were written during their rule
-they supported a military aristocracy based on horses and chariots, the prestige weaponry of the age

Mitannies {northern Syria and Mesopotamia}



-originally lived in Assur, a city in northern Mesopotamia on the Tigris River
-spoke a Semitic language closely related to Babylonian
-proud, independent culture influenced by the Babylonians
-was an early center of trade but emerged as a political power during the 14th century
-Arameans invaded Assyria
-characteristic-ruthless, proud of weapons and tactics
-warfare, tactics, known for getting into ancient cities

The Second Assyrian Empire

-By 655 B.C.E., they controlled all of Mesopotamia, most of Asia Minor, Syria, Palestine, and Egypt to its southern frontier
-well-disciplined army and society that valued military skills
-constructed magnificent palaces at Niheven and Nimnud surrounded by parks and gardens
-exploited their empire-used various methods of control, collecting tribute, stationing garissions in others, and pacifying districts by deporting and scattering their inhabitants
-empire became too large to govern efficiently
-civil war divided country
-Medes attacked Assyria

THe Neo-Babylonians

-the Medes did not follow up with their conquests; therefore, Nebuchadnezzar took over much of the Assyrian Empire
-Under him and his successors, Babylon grew into one of the greatest cities in the world
-great fortifications, walls, boulevards, and parks
-Babylon prospered as a center of world trade linking Egypt, India,Iran and Syria -Palestine by land and sea routes

Indus Civilization

-discovered at the site of Harappa in the 1920's-70 cities such as Harappa and Mohenjadaro-35,00 people in each
-bronze tools, writing, covered drainage systems, and a diversified social and economic organization
-sanskrit-writing was undeciphered; it remains the least understood of the early river valley civilizations
-Archaeological evidence and inferences allows us to reconstruct something of its highly developed and once thriving culture
-covered a huge area, yet homogenous
-had city layouts, building construction, weights and measures, seal inscriptions, patterned pottery and figurines-are usually uniform in all Indus towns suggesting an integrated economic system and good internal communications
-culture was constant over time
-stability, regularity, and traditionalism has led scholars to speculate that a centralized government controlled this society
-cities were laid out in grids





Vedic Aryan Civilizations




Vedic Aryans