American History Chapter 11 Vocabulary

Progressive Era

A political debate that produced many plans for bringing about progress


A rake or pitchfork used to clean manure and hay out of stables.


Court orders that prohibit a certain activity.

Social Welfare Program

Helped ensure a minimum standard of living.


The city level.

Home Rule

A system for changes.

Direct Primary

An election in which citizens vote to select nominees for upcoming elections.


A process in which citizens can put a proposed new law directly on the ballot in the next election by collecting voters' signatures on a petition.


A process that allows citizens to approve or reject a law passed by the legislature.


A procedure that permits voters to remove public officials from office before the next election.

Holding Company

A firm that buys up stocks and bonds of smaller companies.


People who favor the protection of natural resources.

New Nationalism

Business regulation, welfare laws, workplace protection for women and children, income and inheritance taxes, and voting reform.

Bull Moose Party

This became the nickname of the Progressive Party and the moose a symbol to challenge the Republican elephant and the Democratic donkey.

Clayton Antitrust Act

This act strengthened the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890. It spelled out specific activities that big businesses could not do.

Federal Trade Commission

They were given the power to order firms to 'cease and decist' the practice of business tactics found to be unfair.

Federal Reserve System

This divided the country into 12 districts, each with a Federal Reserve bank owned by its member banks.

Civil Disobedience

A nonviolent refusal to obey a law in an effort to change it.

National American Woman Suffrage Association

In 1890, veteran leaders of the suffrage movement, including Anthony, Stanton, and Lucy Stone, were joined by younger leaders formed this association.

Congressional Union

After the success of the rally, Paul transformed her committee into a new organization known as

16th Amendment

Allows the Congress to levy an income tax without apportioning it among the states or basing it on Census results.

17th Amendment

The Senate shall be composed of two senators from each state elected by the people.

18th Amendment

Outlawed the making, selling, transporting, importing, or exporting of alcoholic beverages in the US.

19th Amendment

No person can be denied the right to vote.