APWH Review part 3

Most abundant metal worked in tropics


Africa exported large quantities of_____across the Sahara, Red Sea, and Indian Ocean


Mali and Delhi utilized

Islamic administration

Compare Ghana to Mali, Mali was NOT


Mansa Kankan Musa made famous pilgrimage that

served to demonstrate wealth of his country

Mansa Kankan Musa's pilgrimage resulted in

construction of new mosques and Quranic schools in Mali

Turkish invaders successfully invaded India due to

division of India into small states

Turkish conquest of N. India aided by

iron stirrups

Sultan Iltutmish passed his empire to Raziya, his


Delhi sultans controlled empire in India by

terror and high taxes

when Delhi sultanate began to lose control, new Kingdoms emerged called

Bahmani and Vijayanager

Delhi sultanate provided

centralized political authority in India

What did NOT increase Indian Ocean trade between 1200 and 1500?

Lateen sail and compass

Arabian Sea ship


Largest Chinese ship


Different regional networks of Indian Ocean tied together by

commercial interests

1250, most important Swahili coast trading city


Economic and political power of Great Zimbabwe based on long distance trade in

gold, silver, and salt

Aden's location in Arabia was excellent for

growing grain and a convenient stopover for traders from India

Gujurat did NOT derive wealth from

iron weapons

Trade increased in 14th and 15th centuries. Strait of Malacca became center of political rivalry between

Majapahit and Chinese pirates

Because of trade, Malacca became an important port and

meeting place for traders

Cultural blending during spread of Islam can be seen in

design of mosques blending older traditions w/ new influences

Persian + Hindi =


Spread of Islam did NOT encourage

parallel spread of Christianity

Most profitable item from N. Africa to Timbuktu


In India, Islamic invasion practically

destroyed last strongholds of Buddhism

Prosperity in Asia and Africa accompanied by

growth of slavery

status of women in tropical India may have improved because

sati became optional

women in tropical regions did NOT

rule many countries

1200-1500 in Europe is known as

later Middle Age

W. Europeans in later Middle Age referred to themselves as


In Latin W. In later MIddle Age, approximately ___ people were rural


In return for use of their lord's land, serfs had to

give the lord a share of the harvest and perform services

In later Middle Age, women were considered

inferior to men

3 field system was

agricultural method

average life expectancy in Europe during later Middle Age


Black Death killed ____ of W. Europeans


NOT a social result of Black Death

call for diplomacy

Windmills and watermills had

long been common in Islamic world

Rapid growth of industry did NOT cause

extinction of many species of animals

continued growth of trade and manufacturing after 1200 due to

growth of urban areas in the Latin West

What caused Italian E. Meditarranean trade to be strengthened?

Venetian inspired assault on Constantinople

What is NOT true about trading cities in Europe during Middle Ages

unable to produce products to compete w/ Asia

WHat role did Catholic church play in persecution of Jews?


Guild is

association of craft specialists from same trade

What is NOT true about guilds

promoted equality from men and women

WHat services did merchant banks offer in 15th century?

checking accounts, shareholding companies, money changing, loans, and investments

What "architectural wonder" appeared in France in 1140?

gothic cathedrals

WHat is NOT a feature of gothic cathedrals


The clock was

first used as a regular part of urban life in the Latin West

Renaissance began in

N. Italy

lost knowledge" of Greeks and Arabs came to Latin West by

recapture of S. Itlay from Byzantines, and Sicily and Toledo from the Muslims

Modern university first established in

Latin West

Scholasticism was

attempt by 13th century theologians to synthesize Aristotelian philosophy and religious faith

WHat does NOT describe the Divine Comedy

written in Latin

Canterbury Tales

written by Geoffrey Chaucer

greatest influence of the humanists was in

reform of secondary education

What fostered artistic growth in the Renaissance?

patronage of wealthy merchants and prelates

What transformed later Medieval military technology?

crossbow and metal-tipped arrows and firearms

what is NOT true about the Magna Carta?

gave peasants new rights

Joan of Arc

led French to victory in 100 Years War

New monarchies raised funds by

taxing new lands, merchants, and voluntary contributions from church

1500, English parliament became

perminant part of English gov.

Spain and Portugal's reconquest of Iberia was at expense of

Moroccan rule

Madagascar settled by

Mayalo-Indonesians and Polynesians

Sailing on Indian Ocean easy because

monsoon winds are predictable

Ming Empire attempted to create new Indian Ocean contacts by

establishing maritime courts to deal with pirates and privateers

What is NOT true about chinese-african contacts?

many cultural misunderstandings led to Sino-African War

ZHeng He's treasure ships carried

silks, metals, and gifts from distant rulers

Ming court suspended Zheng He's voyages because they

didn't see any benefit from exploration

Greatest Atlantic mariners of early Middle Ages:


Amerindians from S. America colonized

W. Indies

WHat nations maritime revolution profoundly altered course of world history?

Spain and Portugal

Early impetus for Portuguese maritime exploration:

access to Sub-Saharan gold trade

Henry the Navigator:

devoted his life to exploration

Portuguese conquerers found homes in Ceuta, Morocco to make Portuguese homes look like


Astrolabe and compass origin

Greece, China, and Arabia

Caravels were


important addition to maritime revolution was

learning to speedily return by sailing NW. to ride W. winds

Henry the Navigator derived funds for exploration from

Order of Christ

1st financial return of Portuguese exploration came from

slave trade

Portuguese explorer who reached S. tip of Africa

Bartholomeu Dias

1500, Portuguese mariners discovered____while attempting to find favorable wind around Africa

E. coast of S. America

Christopher Columbus was from


Columbus expected to reach

W. Indies

Columbus brought letter to

Great Khan (Chinese Emperor)

Slave trade in W. Africa controlled by

Monopolies held by African kings

1st Portuguese to land in India were greeted w/

derisive laughter

Portuguese focus in E. Indian Ocean


Portuguese base in China @


What is NOT true about African encounters w/ Portuguese before 1550?

Europeans were major presence in most of Africa

Difference between Spanish Empire and Portuguese Empire

Spanish= territorial, Portuguese=trading

1st Amerindians to contact Spanish


Conquistador means


Spanish capture of Aztec capital assisted by


Francisco Pizarro defeated Inca Empire w/_____ men