APWH Review Part 2

Classic period Mesoamerican civilizations were built on the political foundation of which early civilization?


Mesoamerican classic period political and cultural innovations were based on

ability of elites to control laborers and soldiers

Largest city in Americans in 450-600 was


Quetzalcoatl was

feathered serpent god

How did Mesoamericans view human sacrifice?

essential to the well-being of society

Chinampas (floating gardens)

allowed year-round farming and population growth

Housing of Mesoamerican common people in cities

apartment-like stone buildings

Most important products of Teotihuacan's industry were

pottery and obsidian

Teotihuacan was commercial and religious center that

elite class used as base of wealth and status

Teotihuacan ruled by

alliance of elite families

Mayan political state organized into

rival kingdoms or city-states

What is NOT a Mayan food-providing strategy?

swidden agriculture

Mayan architecture took advantage of

alignment of sun and Venus

Why did Mayan leaders spill their blood?

to communicate w/ gods and ancestors

Mayan military fought to secure


What was role of ruling class Mayan women?

political and religious ceremony participation

Lower class Mayan women were NOT

preferred sacrificial victims

One Mayan contribution is


Some Mayan math contributions are

concept of 0 and place value

Toltecs created a "conquest state" based on

military power

Toltec capital


Aztecs also known as


Aztec society was


What is NOT an inequality in Aztec society

wealthy buried in pyramids

Aztecs fed growing population by

building dikes and chinampas

Aztec gods were

male and female

Aztec cult of hummingbird was called


Twin Tenotochtitlan temples symbolize

war and agriculture

Ohio and Mississippi valley society based on

maize, beans, and squash

Anasazi cultural life based on

Kivas, underground buildings

Large mounds in Ohio Valley were

elite burial sites

Aztecs preferred _____ as sacrificial victims

war captives

Andean people prevented famine by

discovering freeze drying vegetables and meats

Andean domesticated animals crucial for meat and transportation

llama and alpaca

ayllu means

clan group

Mit'a is

rotational labor orginization

Moche used coca plant for

religious rituals

Moche artisans did NOT produce

bronze figurines

Andean cities that preceded Inca

Wari and Tiwaniku

Inca ensured loyalty of defeated regions by

forcing heirs of defeated rulers to live in the royal court

Cuzco was

laid out in shape of a puma

Advantage of Mongol was

promotion of spread of ideas and movement of people in Eurasia

Herodotus portrayed steppe nomads as

superb horsemen, herdsmen, and hunters.

Mongol leader, the Khan had

decisions ratified by a council

Role of Mongol women in politics

women from prestigious families were often powerful in negotiation and management

Religion of Central Asian nomads

diverse mixture

Metal that was crucially important to Central Asian nomads


first Mongol conquests under Genghis Khan were in


NOT a technique of Mongols to defeat armies


Mongols did NOT attack central Europe in 1241 because of

death of Great Khan

Narratives such as Marco Polo's created a European

ambition to find easier routes to Asia

Mongol expansion

created a flow of disease via trade routes

Conflict between Il-Khan and Golden Horde originated in

religious differences

In 1295, Ghazan converted to


Tax farming is

sale of tax-collecting contracts to small corporations

Who was Juvaini?

first to write history of Mongols

Why was there a cultural flowering in Iran, Afghanistan, and Central Asia under the Timurids?

Egyptian artisans migrated throughout Central Asia and Middle East

Who attempted to write first world history?

Rashid al-Din

Islamic mathematician Nasir al-DIn strongly influenced


Timurids supported discovery of

eclipse prediction

How did Mongol control impact Russia's Orthodox church?

granted great privileges

Russia's dominant political center under Mongols


Mongol rule of Russia overthrown by

Ivan III

Teutonic knights fought


Mongol armies consisted of

multinational force w/ Mongol leaders

Europeans did NOT learn about ____ from Mongols


1453, Ottomans conquered this Christian city


Mongols influence by religious leaders in


Why didn't China as we think of it today exist before the Mongols?

Mongols reunited it permanently

Yuan tax administration relied on _________ administrators

Persian, Arab, and Uighur

Mongols elevated the status of


To solve the credit problem, Mongols provided

paper money and copper coins

One impact of the rise of cities under Mongol rule was

increasing influence of Mandarin

What did NOT cause Mongol population decrease?

insistence that Chinese practice agriculture, not trade

Mongols did NOT encourage the sharing and exchanging of


1368, Yuan Empire overthrown and replaced by


To demonstrate rejection of Mongols, Ming Empire

severed relations w/ Middle East and Central Asia and closed borders to foreigners

Emperor Yongle improved the Mongol imperial complex called the

Forbidden City

Emperor Yongle restored commercial links w/ Middle East by

exploring maritime connections and encouraging voyages of Zheng He

Zheng He's primary accomplishment was

acquiring Ming tributary states

Why didn't Ming develop seafaring for commercial and military gain?

Mongol threat from N. took priority

Chinese censored info to foreigners because they

feared technological transfer

Water Margin and The Romance of the 3 Kingdoms are

Ming literature

Ming produced most prized product in Eurasia


Mongols did NOT teach Koreans

sailing and ship building

Relationship between Koryo family and Mogols was

attached and loyal

Yi kingdom publicly rejected Mongols but

adopted Mongol administrative practices and institutions

Rise in Korean literacy rate resulted from

improved printing system and han'gul writing system

Yi Kingdom agriculture based on their cash crop:


Military techniques and innovations that made Yi military a formidable defensive force?

Cannon w/ gunpowder-driven arrow launchers

What prevented Mongols from invading Japan?


How did threat of Mongol invasion affect Japan?

Military gov. built coastal defenses, hoping to consolidate warrior class

kamikaze means

wind of the gods

Ancestor of modern Vietnam formed when Annam

annexed Champa

Well-traveled Muslim scholar who left a journal

Ibn Battuta

Center of Tropical zone


Rainy and dry seasons in Indian Ocean reflect influence of


Human migrations spread______ around the tropics by 1200

bananas, yams, and coffee

form of extensive agriculture used in Sub-Saharan Africa

shifting cultivation

To accommodate uneven distribution of rainfall, S. Indian farmers

constructed elaborate irrigation canals