World History 19.1-19.5


The middle class in France during the old regime

deficit spending

That is a government's spending more money than it takes in


Were smaller groups that competed to gain power in Paris


Were nobles, clergy, and others who had fled France and its revolutionary forces


A government ruled not by a monarch, but by elected representatives


Was a grim medieval fortress used as a prison for political and other prisoners

ancien regime

Also called the old order, it was a class system where everyone in France either belonged to the First Estate (made up of clergy), the Second Estate (made up of the nobility), or the Third Estate (made up of the vast majority of the population).

Jacques Necker

Was Louis XVI's wise financial wizard who functioned as his advisor


Also called notebooks, they listed the grievances of the people in the Estates General

Tennis Court Oath

Was when the delegates of the Nation Assembly swore "never to separate and to meet whenever the circumstances might require until they had established a sound and just constitution.

National Assembly

Was actually the Third Estate but renamed themselves when they claimed to represent the people of France and invited delegates from the other estates to help then write a constitution for France.

Great Fear

Was when rumors of attacks on villages and town created panic


Was a red, white, and blue badge, which was eventually adopted as the national flag of France

Legislative Assembly

Was a newly elected group that took office and was faced with problem internal and externally; it lasted less than a year.

Declaration of Pinitz

This was a document issued by the King of Prussia ad the emperor of Austria. I it, the two monarchs threatened to intervene to protect the French monarchy.


A revolutionary political club made up of mostly middle-class lawyers or intellectuals who used pamphleteers and newspaper editors to advance the republican cause.


The right to vote


A strong feeling of pride in and devotion to one's country



Committee of Public Safety

It dealt with the threats to France made up of 12-members who had absolute power and battled to save the revolution

Maximilien Robespierre

He was a shrewd lawyer and politician who quickly rose to the leadership of the Committee of Public Safety


Was set up b the Constitution of 1765 made up of five men and a two-house legislature elected by the male citizens

Olympe de Gouges

Was a female journalist who demanded equal rights in her Declaration of the rights of Woman

La Marseillaise

It was a song from the revolution that later became the French national anthem

Jacques Louis David

He was a leading artist of the revolution period


Napoleon held these which were a ballot in which voters says yes or no

Napoleonic Code

It was Napoleon's most lasting reforms and a new law code as well


Added outright

Concordat of 1801

It kept the Church under state control but recognized religious freedom for Catholics


This involves shutting off ports to keep people or supplies from moving in or out

Battle of Trafalgar

It was fought off the south west coast of Spain, when British war hero Horatio Nelson smashed a French fleet


Was a three-man governing board set up by Napoleon when he overthrew the Directory

Continental System

This closed Europeans ports to British goods

Confederation of the Rhine

Was the new version of the Holy Roman Empire that now became a 38-member confederation under the French protection

guerrilla warefare

Hit and run-raids used against France in Spain


To step down from power


Restoring hereditary monarchies that the French revolution or Napoleon had unseated

Scorched earth policy

This was when Russia tried to avoid battles with Napoleon by retreating eastward and burring crops and villages along the way leaving the French army hungry and cold as winter came in.

Clemens von Metternich

Was prince of Austria who was part of the Congress of Vienna

Alexander I (Tsar)

Was the Tsar of Russia during the time of Napoleon


Was the brother of Louis XVI who was recognized as king of France when Napoleon was exiled to the island of Elba


He represented France in the Congress of Vienna

Joseph Bonaparte

Was Napoleon's brother who replaced the king of Spain

Duke of Wellington (Arthur Wellesley)

Was the British army commander who helped the Spanish fight France

Marie Louise

Was the Austrian Princess who married Napoleon


Was the town near Belgium where British and Prussian forces battled Napoleon after he escaped from exile, but Napoleon was defeated and sent to the island of St. Helena where he did not return

Quadruple Alliance

Was an alliance between Austria, Russia, Prussia, and Great Britain where the four nations pledged to act together to maintain the balance of power and suppress revolutionary uprisings

Francisco Goya

He was a Spanish romantic painter and printmaker

Congress of Vienna

Was a meeting of diplomats and heads of state who were faced the monumental task of restoring stability and order in Europe after years of revolution and war