Chapter 7 - Section 1 & 2 Review



Pueblos were made from:


Plains Indians

A diverse group of Indian tribes and their languages that inhabited the West plains

Plains Indians lived in:


The Plains Indians believed that:

Everything had its own spirit

Native Americans who built mounds

Mound Builders

effigy mound

A mound in the shape of an animal or object

Iroquis Confederacy

a group of Native American nations in eastern North America joined together under one general government

The "Five Civilized Tribes" were the

Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole

The Mayan government was primarily a what?

independent city states

Mayan Religion

Worshipped many gods, each represented a different area of life, tried to keep gods happy by giving blood and human sacrifices. Believed in legend of Quetzalcoatl (God who'd return to rule people in peace). Story of creation found in Popol Vuh.

Who conquered the Aztecs?


Who conquered the Incas?


Who conquered the Mayans?


Aztec capital city


Inca capital city


How is Quetzecoatl lke Jesus?

god became human and lived among us

Aztec government


Aztec crimes punished by:


The Incan Empire was located

South America

Most of the incan buildings were covered with:


Dead Reckoning

relying solely on your best guesswork for direction

trade winds

the more or less constant winds blowing in horizontal directions over the Earth's surface


An instrument used by sailors to determine their location by observing the position of the stars and planets


an instrument containing a magnetized pointer that shows the direction of magnetic north and bearings from it.

Religious motivation for European explorers

reaching the unsaved for Christ

Social motivation for European explorers

telling other people about their adventures

Political motivation for European explorers

gaining new lands for their Empire


very difficult to move, extremely inaccurate, and took a long time to reload and fire. As a result they were fairly ineffective for land warfare, aside from sieges. They did prove, however, to be more effective at sea


A small, easily steerable ship used by the Portuguese and Spanish in their explorations with triangle sails.

Prester John

In legends popular from the 12th to 17th centuries, he was a mythical Christian monarch whose kingdom was cut off from Europe by Muslim conquests. Ruled Africa

What church did the explorers represent?

Roman Catholic Church

Economic motivation for European explorers:


What were the four motives for European exploration and conquest?

Economic, social, political, religious