World History: Unit 6 - Nationalism and Imperialism

Describe Italy's economy in the years after unification:

Poverty and unemployment led to violence and emigration

German liberals revolted in 1848; what did they want?

Reforms that would promote individual rights

What set off revolts in the Austrian Empire?

revolutions in France, Italy, and the German states

Why did Russia want control of Constantinople?

Provided access to the Mediterranean Sea.

The Congress of Berlin in 1878 resulted in...

many years of ethnic conflicts in the Balkans.

The Crimean War began as a dispute over...

The Holy Land (Jerusalem)

How did the Russian economy differ from the rest of Europe?

it was primarily agricultural.

What were the Decembrists (a revolutionary group in Russia) opposed to?

they refused to declare allegiance to the new czar.

Which czar oversaw rapid industrialization in Russia?

Nicholas II

Russian Marxists wanted to create what form of government in Russia?

a socialist republic

The October Manifesto was issued in response to...

Russian Revolution of 1905

What goal did Mazzini, Cavour and Garibaldi all have in common?

the unification of Italy.

Giuseppe Garibaldi's actions show he was most committed to...

the unification of Italy.

After Prussian king Frederick Wilhelm IV promised a constitution and reforms

he went back on many of his promises.

Which leader began a program of reforms in Russia?

Alexander II

What did Otto von Bismarck mean by the phrase "blood and iron"?

He'd use the Prussian military as force for German unification.

Why did nationalism remain a problem under the Dual Monarchy (Austria-Hungary)?

ethnic minorities continued to seek self-government.

What were the Young Turks fighting against in 1908?

the absolute power of the sultan.

What two European countries experienced unification movements in the mid-1800s?

Germany and Italy

What was Czar Alexander's main reform?

Freed the Russian serfs.

Who founded the Italian nationalism movement called Young Italy?

Guiseppe Mazzini

Which war cost the Ottoman Empire most of their land in Europe?

Balkan War (Balkans are the nations just north of Greece)


Type of government with one ruler that has unlimited power.

Why did the Congress of Vienna lead to change throughout Europe?

people didn't want an absolute monarchy (dictatorship) again.


People in Russia that worked long hours in poor conditions; basically slaves to poverty.

What was the immediate cause of the Sepoy Mutiny?

Indian soldiers forced to bite the ends of ammunition (that had beef and pork fat on it)

When did British and Indians live in segregated neighborhoods?

During the British Raj (rule)

British East India Company

This company carried out British imperialism in India (economically and politically) until 1858.

What happened when the British announced they were going to split (partition) Bengal?

India became more nationalist


After the US Civil War (1865), Britain relied on India for which crop?

Treaty of Nanjing

benefited European countries at the expense of China

GB, France, Germany and Russia

As China was weakening, which countries rushed to claim territory in China?

Meiji Restoration

Refers to the Japanese emperor's return to power (instead of the military ruling Japan)

Japan (and all of Asia celebrated!)

Who won the Russo-Japanese War?

Franco-Prussian War (1870)

Which war officially united Germany?


Who controlled the spice trade in SE Asia starting in the 1600s?

Siam (Thailand)

The only SE Asian country to retain its independence in the 1800s

European leaders felt they'd have more respect if they had control over many colonies.

This was a political motive during European imperialism in Africa.

Menelik II

Emperor of Ethiopia; modernized his army and defeated the Italians.

Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata

Two revolutionaries in Mexico that fought against Diaz's army.

military advantages such as superior weapons

What was one factor that allowed European nations to extend their control over Asia and Africa after 1800?

Sepoy Mutiny

This event led the British gov't to take control of India from the British East India Company.

to change the imbalance of trade in favor of Britain

Why did Britain begin exporting opium to China?

Treaty of Kanagawa (1854)

created a rise of nationalism in Africa.

Suez Canal

Britain occupied Egypt in 1882 to make sure _______ was accessible during Egypt's instability.

Gen. Santa Anna

Mexican dictator that changed from liberal to conservative during his years of power.


Great Britain's most valuable colony.

Asia and Africa

Because Europe had military superiority, they were able to gain a foothold in _____ and ______


The opening of foreign trade encouraged Japan to...

Latin America

During the age of imperialism, the US had the most influence in which area?