Ancient History and Religion

18. What religion would fit under the category of ethical monotheism traditions during this time period?

Judaism of the Hebrews

19. How was Jewish law established?

Borrowed the concept of lex talionis from Hammurabi's Code

20. Who was the first Jewish prophet?


21. What were the Phoenicians known for?

Great sailors, controlling the Mediterranean trade and the 22 letter Alphabet

22. What civilization first invented horse drawn chariots?


23. List changes brought on by the Neolithic era...

Reliable food supply, distinction between nomads and settle people became important,
job specialization occurred, the total human population rapidly increased

24. Why were women's roles so important during the Neolithic revolution?

Gathered edible plants and knew where grains grew

25. Be able to describe Gerald Diamond's theory on the world and why some civilizations developed more rapidly than others (why some have so much "cargo" and some have so little?)

-natural selection- recourse you start out with
-surplus of food- specification of labor
-kind of resources
o wheat/barley was already grown in Mesopotamia so they got a head start
o they also had (beasts of burden) already there
� new guinea doesn't so t

Mesopotamia (another name)

fertile crescent

agrarian societies

able to stay in one place


�Cuneiform- first written language
�60 seconds/minutes
�360� in a circle
�copper tools and weapons
city states
male dominated


�King Sargon of Akkad
oUnited all Sumerian city-states
oAll under his rule
�Worlds first true empire
o Created worlds first empire and kept control
�They kept control by making a network of roads
Allowed trade
Allowed t

Babylonian empire

King Hammarabi
o Hierarchical social system
-- men had one wife but could have sex slaves

Hittite Empire

king does everything
wore elf shoes

Assyrian Empire

largest empire
learn iron
enslave the jewish
Chaldean slaves take over


first monotheistic religion
10 commandments

10 commandments

1. do not worship any other gods
2. do not make any idols
3. do not misuse the name of God
4. keep the sabbath holy
5. Honor you father and mother
6. do not murder
7. do not commit adultery
8. do not steal
9. do not lie
10. do not covet


kill son
to egypt
Rhamesis enslaves 300 yrs.
moses leads away
red ea
to Mt. Siania
10 commandments

chosen people

king david- david and goliath


king Nebachadnessar II
-rebuilt babylon
- great military leader and architect
- captured jerusalem

charles darwin

Introduction to Man
-natural selection


rectangular stepped tower, sometimes surmounted by a temple

12. Zoroastrianism

- a monotheistic pre-Islamic religion of ancient Persia founded by Zoroaster in the 6th century bc.

Paleolithic Age

of, relating to, or denoting the early phase of the Stone Age

What is Pre-history

the history before writing

Order of development of hominids

15-20 years ago
Homo erectus
Homo sapiens
Homo sapien sapiens


-2.5 to 4 million years ago
size and brain of a chimp, nomadic, eats plants, lives in trees and on ground, example is Lucy.

Homo Erectus

-1.5 million years ago
Language skills (most important), use of fire, communication, tools, walking upright

Homo Sapiens

-1.5 million years ago
(Neadnerthal-shorter, more muscular, strong occipital brow, not as smart as cro-mgnon

Cro- Magnon

-40,000 to 25,000 years ago
Cro-Magnon-taller, slimmer, smarter)

Homo sapien sapiens

current humans


4 million to 8,000 BCE
a rough social equality, hunting/gathering and nomadic


8,000 to 2010
Domestication of plants and animals. Dominate classes based on private ownership of land, merchants and ruling classes

earliest known agricultural technique

slash and burn

first metal


ultimate source of wealth in any agricultural society


what type of government ruled Sumeria after 3000 BC


What did Sargon of Akkad do?

created the first empire in Mesopotamia

lex taliones

an eye for an eye in Hammarabbi's code of laws

Which of the early mesopotamian empires was the largest?

Assyrians built the largest empire early on.

what two metals produce bronze

copper and tin

which mesopotamian empire was the first to produce iron metallurgy?

the Hittites

Which mesopotamian civilization invented the wheel?

the Sumerians

environmental adaptions of civilizations

Similar adoptions of housing, clothing, beliefs, social status and culture

Characteristics made up slaves in Mesopotamia?

Prisoners of war, convicted criminals, and debtors

17. What were conditions like for women in Mesopotamia?

Started off more equal but gradually grew worse over time