History unit 6

He went back to many of his promises

What did Prussian king Frederick Wilhelm IV do after he promised a constitution and reforms?

It provided access to the Mediterranean sea

Control of Constantinople was important to Russia because...?

Many years of ethnic conflict in balkans

Decisions made by the Congress of Berlin in 1878 resulted in?

Reforms that would promote individual rights

German liberals who revolted in 1848 all wanted...?

The unification of Italy

Giuseppe Garibaldi's actions show that he was most committed to?

ethnic minorities continued to seek self-government

Nationalism remained a problem under the Dual Monarchy because...?

revolutions in France, Italy, and the German states

Revolts in the Austrian Empire were set off by?

A socialist republic

Russian Marxists wanted to create what form of government in Russia?

The holy land

The Crimean War began because of a dispute over...?

the Russian Revolution of 1905

The October Manifesto was issued in response to?

who refused to declare allegiance to the new czar

The revolutionary group later referred to as the Decembrists included many military officers...?

Was primarily agricultural

The Russian economy differed from the rest of Europe's because it?

Balkan wars

The _____________ cost the Ottoman Empire most if its land in Europe.

He would use the Prussian military as a force for German unification

What did Otto von Bismarck mean by the phrase "blood and iron"?

Unification of Italy

What goal did Giuseppe Mazzini, Camillo di Cavour, and Giuseppe Garibaldi all have in common?

Germany and Italy

What two European countries experienced unification movements in the mid-1800s?


What type of government is one ruled by one ruler with unlimited power?

The absolute power of sultan

What were the Young Turks fighting against in 1908?

Nicholas II

Which of the following czars oversaw rapid industrial development in Russia?

Alexander II

Which of the following leaders began a program of reforms in Russia?

Widespread poverty and unemployment led to violence and emigratio

Which of the following statements most accurately describes the economy of Italy in the years after unification?

Serfs worked long hours doing hard work, in poor conditions

Which of the following statements most accurately describes the serfs in Russia?

He freed the Russian serfs

Which of the following was a reform of Czar Alexander II?

Guiseppe Mazzini

Who founded the Italian nationalism movement called Young Italy?

Many people did not wish to return to absolute monarchies

Why did the Congress of Vienna lead to change throughout Europe?

military advantages such as superior weapons

Which of the following was one factor that allowed European nations to extend their control over Asia and Africa after 1800?

Menelik II

Which of the following was the emperor of Ethiopia who modernized his army and defeated the Italians at the Battle of Adwa?

The Dutch

Who controlled the spice trade in Southeast Asia starting in the 1600s and 1700s?

to change the balance of trade in favor of Britain

Why did Britain begin exporting opium to China?

to maintain access to the Suez Canal when the Egyptian government appeared unstable

Why did the British occupy Egypt in 1882?

Social Darwinism

I contend that we are the finest race in the world and that the more of the world we inhabit the better it is for the human race. . . What an alteration there would be if they [Africans] were brought under Anglo-Saxon influence."
-Cecil Rhodes, Confessions of Faith, 1877
The quote by Cecil Rhodes is an example of which of the following?

Great Britain, France, Germany and Russia

As the Chinese military weakened in the late 1800s, which countries rushed to claim more territory in China?

British east India company

Before 1858, British imperialism in India was carried out by the...?

Latin America

During the age of imperialism, in what part of the world did the United States most frequently exert its influence?

Indian and British people lived in segregated neighborhoods

During the British Raj


Following the Civil War in the United States, Britain relied on India for which raw material?


Great Britain's most valuable colony was

He first allied with liberal reformers but later became conservative

How did the politics of General Antonio L�pez de Santa Anna change during his years in power?


Indian nationalism became more radical when the British announced plans to partition..?

Japanese emperor's return to power

The Meiji Restoration refers to the...?


The only Southeast Asian country to retain its independence in the 1800s was...?

a rise in nationalism.

The Treaty of Kanagawa contributed to

benefited European countries at the expense of China

The Treaty of Nanjing

European leaders took advantage of their military superiority

What allowed European empires to gain a foothold in Asia and Africa?

It encouraged Japan to modernize

What effect did the opening of foreign trade have on Japan?

The Sepoy Mutiny

What led the British government to take control of India from the British East India Company?

the requirement that Indian soldiers bite off the end of an ammunition cartridge greased with animal fat

What was the immediate cause of the Sepoy Mutiny?

Japan's victory over Russia was celebrated all over Asia

What was the result of the Russo-Japanese war of 1904-1905?

European leaders believed that controlling colonies would gain them more respect from other leaders

Which best describes political motives driving the new European imperialism in Africa?

Francisco "Pancho" Villa and Emiliano Zapata

Which of the following Mexican revolutionaries gathered support from the lowest classes and forced Porfirio D�az to resign as president?