American History

korean war

a united nation military action aimed at containing the spread of communism south of the 38th parallel

arms race

a competition between nations to achieve the more powerful weapons arsenal

cold war

struggle between the non-communist world led by the u.s.

berlin air lift

operation that moved supplies into west berlin by american and british planes during a soviet blockade

iron curtain

symbolized the growing geographic and political divisions between communist and capitalist nations in europe

satellite nations

country dominated politically and economically by another nation

baby boom

children that were teens during the 50's there was so many it was a boom in the population

marshall plan

offered all european nations generous funding to rebuild their economies as long as the money was spent on goods made in the u.s

gi bill

gave money to returning veterans



dwight d. eisenhower

president, supreme commander of ally forces during ww2, led the d-day invasion

what was the outcome of the korean war?

korea remained split in half at the 38th parallel

the north atlantic organization [ nato ] was based on the principle of what?

collective security

how did william j. levitt contribute to the growth of suburbs?

used assembly line to make homes faster than ever before

what gave the young people ofthe 1950's a non-conforming style they could call their own?

rock n' [ elvis! ]

what was the stereotypical role of the 1950's woman?

housewife and mother

how did television help spur economic growth in the 1950's?


what was the purpose of the house un-american activities committee [ huac ]?

to find people they suspect as communist

in 1957, what caused congress to increase spending on teaching science and mathematics?


what organization was created after ww2 as a replacement for the league of nations to promote world peace and cooperation?

united nations

civil rights act of 1964

law that made discrimination illegal in a if areas like voting, schools, and jobs

voting rights act of 1965

law aimed at reducing the barriers that prevented african americans from voting, in part by increasing federal government authority to register voters

brown vs. the board of education of topeka, kansas

supreme court case that determined that separate schools for african americans were unconstitutional

student nonviolent coordinating committee [ sncc ]

student civil rights organization and an offshoot of the sclc

southern christian leadership conference [ sclc ]

organization that advocated nonviolent protest

national association for the advancement of colored people [ naacp ]

organization to abolish segregation and discrimination to oppose racism and gain civil rights for african americans

congress of racial equality [ core ]

organization founded by pacifists in 1942 to promote racial equality through peaceful means

black panthers

belief in the separate identity and racial unity of the african american community

what did the form of protest known as the sit-in often lead to?

arrests and jail time

what were the freedom rides organized to test?

boynton vs. virginia

why did civil rights leaders target birmingham in 1963?

martin luther king jr.

the success at birmingham proved what was effective?

non-violent protesting

what was the highlight of the march on washington?

mlk gave his " i have a dream " speech

unlike the early civil rights leaders, what did malcom x believe strongly in?

black nationalism - separate identity and racial unity of the african american community

what did the black panthers want african americans to do?

to lead their own communities

who were four leaders assassinated in the 1960's that led to social turmoil?

john kennedy, robert kennedy, malcom x, mlk jr.

lyndon johnson

36th president, his program was Great society


federal program that provides hospital and low-cost medical insurance to most americans age 65+


federal program that provides low-cost health insurance to poor americans of any age

cuban missile crisis

u.s. and soviet union came close to war over a build-up of offensive nuclear weapons less than 100 miles from our border

bays of pig invasion

failed invasion of cubans invading cuba

assassination of john kennedy

investigated by warren commission

why did the soviets build the berlin wall?

prevent east germans escaping to west germany

in 1969, neil armstrong and buzz aldrin were the first two people to do what?

walk on the moon

what was the result of the cuban missle crisis?

hot line and limited test ban treaty

what did the warren commission declare in regards to the kennedy assassination

that oswald had acted alone

what group in the 1960's tested traditional marriage, drug, and style norms?

hippies / counter culture

tet offensive

turning point in the war, series of attacks by the viet cong and north vietnam

vietnam war

this conflict in southeast asia was the longest and most controversial american military action in history

what congressional action gave president johnson the authority to escalate the vietnam war?

gulf of tonkin resolution

what brought brutality of the vietnam war into american homes?


what principle, described by president eisenhower, became associated with american involvement in southeast asia?


in fighting the north vietnamese, what kind of tactics did the united states forces face?

guerilla tactics


this event and the resulting scandal caused the only resignation of an american president [ 1973 ]

gerald ford

sworn in president after nixon resigned, pardoned nixon

opec oil crisis

as a result of an embargo, this event affected everyone and caused consumer prices to sky rocket [ 1972-1974 ]

iran hostage crisis

over 50 americans were held prisoner due to u.s diplomatic support of the shah in the middle east [ 1979-1981 ]


combination of high inflation and high unemployment with no economic growth

what do many think was nixon's greatest accomplishment in foreign affairs?

detente between the soviet union and china

why did the watergate break-in occur?

wanted to put in wire taps

nixon had the special prosecutor, archibald cox fired when he asked the president to do what?

give him the tapes

as the evidence mounted against him, nixon did what?


in 1975, when ford asked for military aid to try to save south vietnam, what did congress do?

refused and used war powers act to say no

jimmy carter won the 1975 election by presenting himself how?

washington outsider

president carter assumed the role of peacemaker to negotiate what agreement israel and egypt?

camp david accords

what was the result of opec's 1973 embargo on shipping oil to the united states?

higher oil prices, inflation increased

strategic defense initiative [ star wars ]

president reasons proposed defense system against a soviet missile attack


a virus that killed many people during the early 1980's

iran-contra affair

government was leaning toward communism we supported

conservative revolution

the republican party controlled by conservativees, attempted to revive the moral values of the nation by rolling back the liberal agenda that had shaped national policy since the new deal

supply-side economics

theory that tax relations will increase investment and thereby encourage economic growth

inf treaty

agreement signed in 1987 proceed for the destruction of about 2500 soviet and american missiles in europe

what distinction did sandra day o'connor achieve in 1981?

1st female justice on the supreme court

the reagan administration rapidly spending in what area?

military / defense

during reagan's seconderm, how was the u.s relationship with soviet union?


how did the soviet policies of perestroika and glasnost help bring an end to the cold war?

ending communism in eastern europe

persian gulf war

a united nations effort to remove sedams iraqi


attacks on the world trade center and the pentagon led to americans focus on eliminating terrorism

what was a major reason that president george bush responded forcefully to iraq's invasion of kuwait?

protect flow oil to the west

during the campaign for president in 1988, george h. w. bush promised that he would not do what?

raise taxes

the signing of arms-control treaties between the u.s and soviet union signaled the end of what?

cold war

what was the main purpose of the north american free trade agreement [ nafta ]?

encourage economic growth

what best describes clinton during his second term?

impeached but not removed from office, and the scandals he was involved in