World History Chapter 6 Terms


one countries domination of the political, economic, or cultural life of another country/region

social Darwinism

charles darwin's ideas of natural selection and survival of the fittest, applied to human societies


a country or territory governed internally by a foreign power


a country or territory with its own internal government but under the control of an outside power

sphere of influence

an area in which an outside power claims exclusive investment or trading privileges

economic imperialism

an independent but less developed country controlled by private business interests rather than other governments


Muslim kingdom ruled by a sultan or caliph


to divide e.x. Africa


government run by whites, racial segregation


upper class

Berlin Conference

international conference of European powers to divide Africa into colonies


general increase in prices and a fall in of purchasing value of money

Wahhabi and Mahdi

The Wahhabi movement in Arabia in the 1700's rejected Ottoman laws and codes, wanted to follow the original teachings of Muhammad in the Koran, and led an unsuccessful revolt against the Ottoman empire. The Mandi in Sudan in the mid 1800's announced that


strategic taking of land for its location and resources

Crimean War

A war amongst the Ottomans, British, and French VS the Russians and Slavs. (1853-1856) It was a confliction in which the Ottoman Empire halted Russian expansion near the Black Sea. Britain and France entered the war to stop Russian expansion. Russia helpe


a deliberate attempt to destroy an entire religious or ethnic group


governor of British Egypt

Suez Canal

a man made waterway connecting the Red and Mediterranean seas that made it much faster and easier for ships to travel from Europe to Asia

David Livingstone

Explorer and missionary who explored the interior of Africa; made genuine attempts to understand African culture, and was less biased toward Africans than many of his peers


Dutch colonists (name means "farmers" in Dutch) in South Africa during the 1800s; fought with both the British and the Zulus


Native people of eastern South Africa who clashed with both the Boers and the British, who were pushing into their lands

Menelik II

King of Ethiopia who was able to avoid colonization by modernizing and westernizing his country before Europeans were able to get there.

Shaka Zulu

Leader of the Zulus whose nickname was "Napoleon of Africa;" he used highly disciplined warriors and strong military organization to create a large state in southern Africa.

Suleyman I

most powerful Ottoman sultan whose death in 1566 began the 300 year decline of the Ottoman Empire

Florence Nightingale

British nurse in the Crimean War; one of the first army nurses in the world

Muhammad Ali

Khedive of Egypt who passed many reforms to modernize Egypt, most important was transition to cotton (cash crop)

Ismail (Muhammad Ali's grandson)

Khedive of Egypt who oversaw the construction of the Suez Canal, but had to sell the shares to Britain, leading to the British takeover of Egypt

Emilio Aguinaldo

Leader of the Filipino nationalists (and first president of the Philippine Republic) who fought against the Spanish and then the U.S. for his country's sovereignty.


Hawaiian king who united the islands of Hawaii into the Kingdom of Hawaii in the late 1700s

Queen Liliuokalani

Last queen of Hawaii who was forced to surrender her kingdom to the United States