History: Chapter 9

Clovis was the first important non-Roman king to convert to Christianity.

What is the significance of Clovis's conversion to Christianity?

At first monks lived the life of a hermit, separated from the world and dedicated to a spiritual life. Later monks adopted the rules of St. Benedict and schools, hospitality for travelers, hospitals and taught skills to peasants. According to the rules of

Describe how monks lived and the types of work they did?

it symbolized a "coming together" of Roman, Christian and Germanic elements into a united empire, It demonstrated the idea of an enduring "Roman Empire, it enhanced the power of the Pope/Church to make rulers

What was the importance of the coronation of Charlemagne as the Roman Emperor?


(from father in Latin, title of the head of the Catholic Church


people that were sent out to deliver a religious message and who sought to convert non-Christian people to Christianity


name given to the descendants of tribes from Northern Germany and Denmark that settled in Britain


Frankish king that was among the first major non-Roman kings to become Christian, which led to a spreading of the Christian religion outside of Rome

Saint Benedict

founded a community of monks and is best known for the rules that he wrote for them to live by, this included several hours of physical work as well as eating, worshipping and working together

Mayor of the palace

title of the person that actually ran the kingdom in the land of the Franks, during the time of the "Do Nothing Kings


son of Charles Martel, became king of the land of the Franks with the Pope's support


son of Pepin, leader fo the Franks, greatly increased the land held by the Franks and created what became known as the Carolingian Empire

Vassalage describes the relationship between a lord and his vassal. The lord gave his vassal land (including serfs), with which he could support himself and his family. In exchange the vassal was expected to provide military service to the lord when it wa

Explain the idea of vassalage?

In a society with very little money, the ownership of land became the most apparent sign of wealth. In addition the vassal became the sole political authority on his land, and this added to his prestige.

Why was land the most important gift a lord could give a vassal?


A time when a weak central government and power was based on land ownership


a person that serves a lord, in exchange for land that he was given


armed soldiers on horseback, usually wearing some type of armor


name given to a grant of land made to a vassal


a code of "idealized" behavior that was common among the nobility during feudalism

Duke William of Normandy won the Battle of Hastings and became king of England.

What happened in 1066 AD

The Magna Cartal recognized the fact that the king's power was limited and not absolute. Later on the Magna Carta led to the formation of Parliament and the beginnings of democracy in Europe.

Why is the Magna Carta considered one of the most important documents in the Middle Ages?

Common law

started under Henry II, a law that was common to all the kingdom

Magna Carta

King John was forced to sign this in 1215 by an uprising of nobles, it limited the kings power and made it clear that the king was not above the law

William of Normandy

the Duke that defeated King Harold in 1066, and became king of England

Battle of Hastings

the famous battle the gave William control of England

Henry II

King of England, he established "royal courts" that gave England one court system for the entire country, blamed for Thomas a' Beckett murder, 3 fools "Rid me of this damn priest", had to pray/be whipped, etc

Thomas a' Beckett

the Archbishop of Canterbury, murdered by followers of Henry II, which led to a public outrage and forced the king to back down from his struggle with the church


warriors from Asia that conquered Russia and much of eastern Europe

Alexander Nevsky

Russian prince that defeated and invading German Army and was rewarded by the Mongol ruler with the title of Grand Prince, later when the Mongols were driven out, his descendants became the leaders of all of Russia

Constantinople was located along trade routes between Europe and Asia.

Why was Constantinople one of medieval Europe's greatest centers of commerce?

The Crusades were an attempt by Europeans to capture the Holy Land and take control away from the Moslems. Overall the Crusades were a failure

What was the purpose of the Crusades and how successful were they?

religious fervor (desire to serve there God), adventure and fighting, an opportunity to gain new lands and riches and possibly a title

What factors motivated Europeans to participate in the Crusades?


title of the head of the Eastern Orthodox Church


a split or division, in this case it refers to a split between the 2 major Christian religions of the time, the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church.


unbelievers, if you were Christian the Muslims were ____, if you were Muslin then Christians were infidels.


leader of the Muslims that captured Jerusalem away from the Europeans, eventually he and Richard I negotiated a treaty that allowed Christian pilgrims to journey to the Holy Land.

Pope Urban II

the pope that called for a Holy Crusade to capture the holy land away from Muslims.

Mayor of the palace

Who ran the kingdom?

Do nothing kings

The time of the "_ _ _

The King now became the strongest political authority

Why do historians consider the Battle of Hastings a turning point in history?

All nobles had to swear an oath of loyalty to the king, freeman had to register at 18/train 2 weeks a year for the military and answer the kings call, gave the king his own army and he did not have to depend on the nobles to supply him with soldiers

How did William of Normandy gain all the power?

A census of property allowed him to see who was cheating on taxes, he got more money, more money means he spent it on a better army

What allowed William of Normandy to gain power - (military)?


Magna Carta date?

Clovis, Charles Martel, Pepin, Charlemagne, William the Conquerer, Henry II, Richard I, John, St. Benedict, Saladin, Thomas a' Beckett

Rank order of people: (Charles Martel, Charlemagne, Clovis, Pepin, Henry II, John, St. Benedict, William the conquerer, Richard I, Thomas a' Beckett, Saladin

Sumeria/Egypt, Greece, Rome, Middle Ages, Early dark ages, late ages

Rank order for ancient places: Greece, Rome, Late ages, Egypt, Early-dark ages, middle ages

Roman Catholic Italy

Christian religion is from


Allows missionaries into land of Franks - who does this?

Land, peasants

Conquering warriors gives __ and ___ to best fighters

Freedom, protection

Peasants give up their ____ in exchange for _____


Who was "bound to the land"? They could runaway for a year and a day, and they were free. Lived in small homes. Houses made with waddle and daub/thatch roof


Come and go as they wanted. Rent land/paid for it - who is this?

Serfs to Lord

Provide labor, give % of income

Lord to Serfs

Give land, shelter, provide protection, not enough crops - have to buy food


Another word for trade


% of mortality for children

King, greater nobility, lesser nobility

Nobility peoples:

Greater nobility

Who owned estates?

Lesser nobility

Who managed an estate for the greater nobility? Got money from taxes, owned estate, pay greater noble a % of taxes

Lesser nobility

Warriors are in the ____ category?


Land/property given by the brides family(father) the the husband

Small amount of land, pig/cow(animal)

What did peasants get for a dowry?

King, land owning nobles, vassals

____ -> ____ -> ___ -> (Order: land owning nobles, vassals, king)

Estate, support during war

Large landowners to vassals (what did the land owners give to vassals)

Service, tax payment

What did vassals give to large landowners?

Protection, food

What did vassals give to peasants?

Service, labor, % of crops

What did peasants give to vassals?

White Anglo-Saxon Protestant



People in England/United Kingdom were__


Anglo-Saxons ____ Celts

His short hair

Why is Pepin nicknamed 'Pepin the Short'

Charles the Great

Nickname for Charlemagne

Defeated muslims, gave church land, can pope make kings

How did Pepin become king?

His tall height

What helped Charlemagne with power?

Expanded territory, roman art and architecture in his system, strong supporter of catholic church, built churches

What made Charlemagne a good ruler?

A cathedral

What was built like a cross looking over head?

Treaty of Verdun

Divides Charlemagne's empire into 3 parts

Centuries of warfare between France and Germany

What was an effect of the Treaty of Verdun?

2, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6

(1)william of normandy claims the throne/claims the king promised him the throne, (2)king of england dies, (3)english nobles choose king harold, (4)battle of hastings , (5) William invades england in 1066, (6) William becomes william I of england (Put in

William of normandy, tower, london

Who built the __ of ___?

royal court and local noble

Henry combines what two courts?

Grand jury

Decides if you should be charged with a crime.

Circuit court judges

Trained in the law, served several towns


Formal criminal charge

Girl raped and murdered by priest, beckett wants noble punished, henry II refuses, beckett excommunicates, henry be rid of priest, 3 people sliced becketts head

Why is Beckett murdered?

Pray all night on stone floor, be whipped, apologize to the people/church

Three things Henry II had to do after Becketts death

Richard I, John

Henry II sons are

lead a crusade, war in france (100 year war)

What does Richard do?

Absolute power, tax to build navy, spends on self, prince before he becomes king after richard's death

What does John do?

Decrease kings power, increase nobles power

Purpose of Magna Carter

Childrens crusade

Starts in germany. black death left a lot of orphans. most lived with family or family friends. Go to venice - demand that ships take them to the holy land, slavery/no success, greed

Had a good intention to regain holy land, attacked any jews/christians/muslims, greed, people take good ideal and twist to their advantage, when lord left estate wife ran it better

Lessons of the crusades