bennet barrow

-cotton planter in louisiana
-owned 2000 slaves

fanny kemble

-english actress who married georgia planter, has a diary.

who was nat turner and why did he lead a rebellion?

-a slave in southhampton, Virginia, a religious leader and minister.
-he was seen as a prophet, since he had visions. the vision of the serpent is the one that made him wait for a sign of the solar eclipse to begin slaying his enemy.
-his goal was to dism

how many rebels were there in nat turners rebellio?

began with 6 of turners loyal friends, then about 60 joined in later

whom and how did nat turner attack? how was it stopped? what happened to nat turner?

-any white person they came across who was related to slavery.
-they moved from plantation to plantation.
-white militia stopped them.
-he hid in the woods for 2 months but was found and hung.

who was john brown?

a slavery abolitionist who led 21 men on the raid on harper's ferry to equip slaves with artillery, they were quickly captured and put down, he was hung.

for texas, arkansas, and florida, what did westward migration mean?

eventual statehood

cotton in the south was _______

three quarters of worlds cotton and 60% of US exports

how many slaves in the US south were there

4 million

the South characteristics

-agriculture economy.
-fewer cities/factories means less immigration.

the north characteristics

-mixed economy.
-37% urban.
-spent more on industry, transportation, education.

states with higher black population

-south carolina

in 1860, __ out of every __ southerners was black


__ out of every __ northerners was black


only ____ of white population were slaveholders


slaveholders owned _______ slaves while planters owned ______

fewer than 5; more than 20

aspects of african culture that influenced southern culture

language, food, music, religion

southern defense of slavery

-slavery always existed.
-american liberty founded on defending property rights.
-bible sanctions.
-slavery a check on miscegenation.
-slaves better off.
-natural consequence of black inferiority.

factors of white southerners tightening control of slaves

-black population, revolts, and northern abolitionists.

slave code laws

-slaves owed all whites absolute obediance.
-any white could correct slaves who did not stay in their place.


-idea of the southern lady.
-pure, obedient, weak, needing male protection.
-duty to manage house.

child slave roles

carry water, protect crops from birds, sweep, babysit.

elderly slave roles

child care, sewing, livestock

slave roles other than agriculture

domestics, bakers, barbers, fishing, lumbering, railroad and riverboat workers

skilled artisans and house servants slave ratios

1/20; 1/10

were slave marriages legally recognized?


by 1860, ____ of southern black population was free


in 1860, free blacks could

legally marry, pass down freedom, own property

legislative laws to crack down on equality

-special taxes.
-required to carry papers.
-no interstate travel, no schools, no politics, no jury service, no testifying

what 3 classes of women does sarah grimke identify with and what does she say about them?

-she talks about the class she was born into which was the fashionable class where they are taught that marriage is the only thing they need, the class that is trained to think marriage is a prefferment, and the class that women are like slaves.

who was sarah grimke

woman from slaveholding family in south carolina, she moved to philadelphia and became a quaker.
-leader in abolition and womens equality and rights.

seneca falls declaration

-womens rights declaration from the first womens rights convention, which was modeled after the declaration of independence.

northwest ordinance in 1787

officially banned slavery in northwest territories

slavery in westward expansion

-west of free state is a free state.
-west of slave state is slave state.
-missouri was a problem, west of free state but had slaves

the missouri compromise

slave state and maine admitted as free state.
-southern boundary of missouri was a permanent dividing line for future states. this is not the mason dixon line

pres james k polk

-manifest destiny,
-annexation and war

conflict after mexican american war

question of annexing slaveholding texas

what was the cause for all former mexican lands to be free?

growing movement for free soil and labor

abraham lincoln on free labor

-basically everyone does things for themselves

frederick douglas

a former slave who believed that the constitution was an antislavery document, after he initially thought it was pro-slavery

jefferson davis

planter and senator fro mississippi and pres of the confederacy

in par 2, how does davis refer to the southern states

as the navigating and planting states

what is the great principle davis speaks of behind the constitutuion?

was the equality of rights between soveriegns; and it is that equality of right under the constitution on which we now insist.

on what ground does davis clai protection for slavery by the constitustion?

bc it is their right and because it is the duty of the general government, and lastly bc they have entered into a compact together which deprives each state of power for defense.

douglass on persons and property

when it is proposed to transform persons into property and men into beasts of burden, i demand that the law that contemplates such a purpose shall be expressed with irrisistable clearness

the compromise of 1850

-california admitted as free state.
-nm and utah defined as teritories, popular soverieignty decide status internally.
-tx relinquish claim to nm.
-DC slave trade ended
-fugitive slave act passed

Lincoln refused to sign this bill____

Wade-Davis bill

President Johnson's reconstruction

-Senator from North Carolina: only southern senator to side with the union
-slave owner but not planter
-Plan: rapid restoration

Union advantages

Greater population, more wealth

South expectations

Northern dependence on cotton and worldwide need for southern cotton
defense of property, home, liberty, and family

Confederate advantage

Reality of war and victory: North= defeat and occupy

Northern "Anaconda" plan

union naval blockade to block cotton exports + cut the confederacy in two by targeting Virginia and the Mississippi valley

South's main problem

supplying its army and generating money

Battle of Bull Run

-Union attack and retreat
-reaffirmation for the south superiority in combat
-North learned that victory would not be quick or easy


northeast power base; support for federal action to promote commercial development


south and western power base; support for limited government

know nothing party

nativist organized backlash against immigration waves

Problems in the South

- Government powers and states rights
-Hardship: poor, flour price increase, 1/3 army went home
-Class conflict: "twenty-negro law

Battle of Gettysburg

-Turning point of the war
-comfederecy couldn't replace the 60,000 soldiers that were wounded or died
-Lee never launched another major offensive north of the Mason-Dixon line

Ulysses S. Grant

general in Chief- sep 1863
victory in Chattanooga
War strategy= annihilation

Surrender of Lee

April 9 1865, Appomattox Court House Virginia

what did they do with the freed slaves during reconstruction?

-slaveholders must sign contracts with ex slaves
-coastal land south of charleston was set aside for freed men.
-freedmans bureau

Emancipation Proclamation

- Lincoln refers to civil war as rebellion
- the us govt and military will welcome freed slaves into open positions
- Lincoln advises freed slaves to reframe from violence unless self defense and to earn a honest wage

civil rights act

-nullified black codes
-ended discrimination

15th amendment

-right to vote for freed men

presidential election of 76 winner

rutherford hayes, republican, created threats of new civil war

freedman prefferred to

rent land and farm

johnson's reconstruction

-restoring civil gov in south
-pardoning ex rebels
-states must renounce right of secession, pay war debt, and ratify 13th amendment
-return land to ex confederates

Lincolns assassination

April 14, 1965 by John Wilkes Booth
Vice Pres Andrew Johnson assumed presidency

what did they do with the south during reconstruction>

-full pardon
-oath of allegiance
-no provisions for freed slaves
-proclamation of amnesty and reconstruction

lydia maria child sought permission __________

visit and give medical care to John Brown when he was injured after the harper ferry revolt

how does the gov respond to child's letter?

govenor wise says she has a right, but he does not share her sympathy, and it is because of her sympathy that this happened.

new republican party

antislavery organized backlash against kansas nebraska act

Battle of Fredericksburg

122,000 union troops face 78,500 confederate troops dug in
- One of unions worst defeats

Union dominance in the west and Atlantic

Dissuaded Britain and France from supporting South + slavery issues + British war material trade to north

Second Confiscation Act

freed all slaves of rebel masters

what was lincoln's view on the kansas nebraska act?

he says it is wrong to let slavery into the states and wrong in allowing it to spread.

what was the problem with senator douglas wanting transcontinental railroad fro chicago to west coast? what was the plan?

land promised in treaty and previous resettlement of native americans;
plan was to name land with indigenous name, allow white settlement and force indians out then build a railroad. #murica

southern view of fugitive slave act

issue of property rights

kansas nebraska act

-divided indian territory into kansas and nebraska.
-repealed missouri compromise
-popular sovereignty to determine slave state or not

responses to fugitive slave act

-courtrooms attacked and slaves taken to underground railroad.
-more abolition activity and black leaders emerge

margaret garner

slave who tried to escape slavery, killed her own children to keep them from going back to slavery.

northern view of fugitive slave act

legalized kidnapping "personal liberty laws

fugitive slave act of 1793

-allowed slave owner to seize an escaped slave and return him.
-penalty for obstructing owner to retake slave.

Lincoln's Goal and Approach toward the south

Goal: bind up nation's wounds and achieve lasting peace.
Approach: leniency
-full pardon, restored property
-10% of south took oath of allegiance
-no provisions for freed slaves