
In trying to lower cost, good quality, and fast delivery, you are only as good as

Your suppliers

What is forecasting?

-The process of making a prediction on the future based on past and present data
-Most commonly done by analyzing trends

Why is forecasting important?

All businesses operate under uncertainty
Decisions must be made that affect the future
Forecasting provides an 'educated guess' about the future of the company

Strategic planning

Long-term capacity/expansion planning that provides broad goals and directions for the entire business.

The job with any forecast decision is to

minimize the risk

Is it better to overestimate or underestimate forecasts?

It depends on the penalty of each. Do lost sales cost more, or does excess inventory cost more?

What is the foundation of any successful operations team?


Forecasting helps determine:

-What to buy
-When to buy it
-How much to buy

Are forecasts ever right?

NO. Forecasts are ALWAYS wrong

The more specific a forecast, the _____ accurate it will be


Forecasts are more accurate for ______ time periods


Every forecast should include a

confidence level

Short-Term Forecasting

-Hours to weeks ahead
-Weather, day of the week, holidays

Medium term forecasting

-Months to years ahead
-Seasonality, fuel prices, electric vehicles

long term forecasting

-Years to decades ahead
-population growth, GDP

Types of forecasting methods

qualitative and quantitative

What types of research make up qualitative forecasting?

-Market research
-Expert analysis
-Historical analogy

What types of research make up quantitative forecasting?

-Time Series
-Casual relationships

Are all models linear?


Moving Average

a forecasting model that computes a forecast as the average of demands over a number of immediate past periods

Simple Moving Average

forecast is the average of a fixed number of past periods

Weighted Moving Average

a forecasting model that assigns a different weight to each period's demand according to its importance
-Usually more recent data is more important

Least Squares Method

A procedure for using sample data to find the estimated linear regression equation.

Do we want R^2 to be high or low?


Demand shaping

the company influences what future demand will be

What are examples of demand shaping?

-price management
-sales incentives, promotions, or coupons
-social media chatter

Types of Forecasting Errors

-Quantity demanded
-Product specifications

Three components of demand
