Heijunka quiz

What results in increasing change over flexibility and efficiency that protects a production line from demand ambushes?


What is mura?

the unevenness in productivity and quality

What is muri?

the overburden of machines, managers, and production associates

What do mura and muri cause?


What did Toyota manager conclude was the best way to run manufacturing?

calculate long term demand for the product in question and to run the production process very smoothly at the level of long term demand

What is the size of inventory proportional to?

the degree of variability in customer demand

What is Toyota's calculation for leveling production?

calculate standard inventory of finished goods at the end of the production process for make-to-stock items

What can carrying extra inventory at the end of the process do?

smooth production all the way upstream and reduce inventories at every juncture between flow and pull along the system

What does leveling for overall demand do?

protects the process from giant demand waves and troughs

What is the 2nd aspect of heijunka?

leveling output by product mix

What has been traditionally used in manufacturing?


What is batching?

product processed at the same time and under the same conditions, each item being identifiable as identical for classification purposes

How does heijunka fix issues with batching?

by releasing only enough orders of all parts to meet takt time demand

What size of batches are ideal in lean systems?


What kind of environment does lean thrive in?

high product variation

What is EPEX?

producing every product during every relevant time frame

What is reduced with EPEX?

lead time

What is the business closer to meeting when using EPEX?

real" demand

What is the catch of heijunka?

changeover time

What percent of changeover time is common in heijunka?


How is heijunka implemented?

the heijunka box

What are the rows in a heijunka box?

what needs to be produced
(ex. 3 rows for widgets, gizmos, and thingamabobs)

What are the columns in the heijunka box?

divided by time or pitch

What is pitch?

the smallest takt time multiplied by quantity produced