Event Management Ch.2

Demand as a Whole

Size: duration/#of attendee
Scope: Who is included/style/theme
Fragmented: Where you break it off (take a part from the whole)
Diverse: who is coming/what type of food
Total Value - impossible


Visitor Numbers
Visitor Spending
Visitor Activity and Participation
Advertising Effectiveness: How they found out about...
Visitor Satisfaction: feedback

Economic Imapact


Social Motives

Ex: Social Interaction with
Creation of community spirit
Status or recognition of achievements
Philanthropy or charitable contributions

Organizational Motives

Ex: The need to make sales
The need to have organization presence
Status or recognition
Sponsorship or community support

Physiological Motives

Ex: Relaxation or recreation with others
Sexual enjoyment with others
Exercise or physical challenge
To eat, drink or be entertained

Personal Motives

Ex: Seeking new experiences
Learning and education
Creativity and exploration
Fulfillment of ambitions

Current Demand

that demand which our event satisfies at the moment

Future Demand

that demand which our event could satisfy over a normal growth period

Latent Demand

that demand which is sleeping until you provide an event for it

Frustrated Demand

that demand which exists for our event which cannot get to it due to being suppresses by price, time, availability, lack of disposable income or other reasons,

Demand as a Whole

Size: duration/#of attendee
Scope: Who is included/style/theme
Fragmented: Where you break it off (take a part from the whole)
Diverse: who is coming/what type of food
Total Value - impossible


Visitor Numbers
Visitor Spending
Visitor Activity and Participation
Advertising Effectiveness: How they found out about...
Visitor Satisfaction: feedback

Economic Imapact


Social Motives

Ex: Social Interaction with
Creation of community spirit
Status or recognition of achievements
Philanthropy or charitable contributions

Organizational Motives

Ex: The need to make sales
The need to have organization presence
Status or recognition
Sponsorship or community support

Physiological Motives

Ex: Relaxation or recreation with others
Sexual enjoyment with others
Exercise or physical challenge
To eat, drink or be entertained

Personal Motives

Ex: Seeking new experiences
Learning and education
Creativity and exploration
Fulfillment of ambitions

Current Demand

that demand which our event satisfies at the moment

Future Demand

that demand which our event could satisfy over a normal growth period

Latent Demand

that demand which is sleeping until you provide an event for it

Frustrated Demand

that demand which exists for our event which cannot get to it due to being suppresses by price, time, availability, lack of disposable income or other reasons,