resource planning and control

adjusting capacity to reflect the fluctuations in demand

what is a chase demand approach

ignore the fluctuations and keep activity constant

what is a level capacity plan?

attempt to change demand to fit capacity

what is demand management

a company that usually cannot store inventory

what type of organisation would use a aches demand plan?

promotional activity or discounting

what is something you might do to hchange your demand patterns?

Process task
Process flow
volume and variety

what are the three dimensions of process type?

long term
medium term
short term

what are the three different types of planning and control?

not dependent on other products or services

independent demand

dependent on the other products or services

dependent demand

produce prior to demand and can store inventory

make to stock

are almost the same- except resource to order buys in resources and produce only when demanded
make to order already have their resources but only produce when asked

resource to order and make to order

long term capacity strategy: storing for future demand
medium demand and capacity: what do we need in a few months?
short term capacity: what resources do we have today and tomorrow

3 types of capacity

measuring demand and capacity
alternative capacity plans
choosing an approach
yield management

3 steps of capacity planning

only when the advantages strongly outweigh the disadvantages

when are the three steps of capacity planning applied?

planning is future intention, while control is exercised to ensure the plan is delivered

what is the difference between planning and control

based on an external stimulus, it must be forecast

how does independent demand affect operations?

can be calculated from planned output or volume

how does dependent demand affect operations?