Macbeth Act 5

Who would have thought

LM: never knew macbeth was so guilty

Out damned spot out I say

LM: undone by guilt, full of madness

Wash your hands... Banquo

LM: you shouldn't worry now because Banquo is dead and he can't go after you

What will these hands ne'er be clean

LM: never be clean from sins

Tell the Macbeth was from

MacDuff: he tells Macbeth he can kill him bc he was not naturally born from woman... also the witches last prophecy will be correct that Macbeth will die

Not so sick,my lord

Doctor: he cannot cure LM because she is sick in the head and not physically. Engulfed in sin and guilt

Do better upon them

Macbeth: believes he still cannot be slain and thinks it's stupid for him to die

Curses loud but deep

Macbeth: the prophecies weren't told to everyone however it engulfed Macbeth into evil ambitions which lead his life down a dark hole.

Tomorrow and tomorrow

Macbeth: life is meaningless and everyday is the same; life will lead to his destiny

My way of life is called into the seat, yellow leaf, and that which should accompany old age, as honor love obedience, troops of friends, I must not look to have

Macbeth: never looked for honor and love, but just wanted for satisfaction of self love.

I have almost forgot the taste of fears: the time has been, my senses would have cooled To Hear a night shriek, and fell or hair...

Macbeth: addicted to the thought, eight, or sound of pain

Of all men else I have avoided thee. But get thee back! My soul is too much charged With blood of thine already

Macbeth: he has been rdy for this fight/encounter. All his previous pain has built him for this meeting.

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No man born from a woman naturally can kill Macbeth

Where does Macbeth and Macduff fight?


What were 2 names Macbeth called the servant?

Goose and coward/idiot.