CSCC THEA-1100 Play Quiz 4 - Tartuffe

In the end, Orgon is saved by:

Tartuffe's arrest

True or False: Damis is in love with Flipote much to the chagrin of Orgon.

False (It's Mariane in love with Cleante that makes Orgon mad)

Who does Orgon want Mariane to marry?


True or False: Madame Pernelle tries to warn Orgon about Damis.


True or False: Dorine is the "bossy" servant.


True or False: Elmire sets a trap for Tartuffe by flirting with him while Cleante hides in a closet.

False (This is all kinds of false; remember, it's Damis in the closet and he sees Tartuffe flirt with his mom)

How does Tartuffe betray Orgon?

He hits on Orgon's wife (This is the for real true answer. "Hits on" oh my god)

The "foolish" young lovers are:

I actually don't know, but the options are:
1. Damis and Flipote
2. Cleante and Marianne (it's NOT this one)
3. Tartuffe and Cleante
4. Marianne and Valere (I'm pretty sure it's this one but I forgot the guy's name. whoops.)

True or False: Orgon makes Tartuffe his only son and heir.


What is Tartuffe's main character flaw?
