Great Expectations quotes Last minute

Coarse hands and my common boots

Pip becoming ashamed of himself

I wished Joe had been rather more genteelly brought up, and then I should have been so too

Pip - Wishing Joe was of a higher class so he would be too

Common labouring-boy

Derogative term by Pip about himself

I wanted to make Joe less ignorant and common that he might be worthier of my society

Pip - Wishing Joe of a higher class as he was embarrassed of him

He calls the knaves, Jacks this boy!

Estella highlighting the difference in class subtly

[Estella looked at me] "as if I were a dog in disgrace.

Pip feels multiple negative feelings because of Estella

Come here! You may kiss me, if you like.

Imperative and orders by Estella after the boys fight

Moths and all sorts of ugly creatures," "hover about a lighted candle. Can the candle help it?

Estella uses metaphors to degrade all men but Pip)

Biddy, I have particular reasons for wanting to be a gentleman

What Pip wants and why

I loved her against reason

Pip loves Estella unconditionally

It is a most miserable thing to be ashamed of home

Pip is ashamed of his background


He was a mild, good-natured, sweet-tempered

Miss Havisham about Estella

I stole her heart away and put ice in its place

Estella after realising what she has done

I have been bent and broken, but - I hope - into a better shape.

Estella to Miss Havisham

I am what you have made me

Miss Havisham

Pip describe as "corpse-like

Miss Havisham

Who exclaims "Love her! Love her! Love her!

Pip describes Joe

I always treated him as a larger species of child

I have no heart...

What does Estella say about having a heart?

What have I done?

What does Miss Havisham say after realising that she has broken Pip's heart that shows her remorse?

We have no choice, you and I, but to obey our instructions.

What does Estella say to Pip about her journey to London and the part Pip must play?- to Pip

I saw no shadow of another parting from her

What are the final words of the novel that indicate Pip and Estella will likely be together?

my convict

How does Pip describe the convict when he is captured?

as if I were a dog in disgrace.

How does Estella make Pip feel when she feeds him?

no fire like the forge fire and the kitchen fire at home.'

How does Pip describe the fire at the forge at the end of the novel?

I'll cut your heart and liver out!

The convicts threat to Pip was?
Links to: crime, power, punishment, fear, violence

Who brought you up by hand?

Mrs Joe claims she brought Pip how?
Links to: parental figures, power, violence

If you can't get oncommon by going straight, you'll never get to do it going crooked.

What does Joe tell Pip about improving yourself at the start of the novel that is a metaphor for the whole novel?
Links to: Joe, love, class, ambition

Have you never considered that he may be proud?

What does Biddy say about Joe to make Pip consider who self-centred he is right before he leaves?

the spider

What does Jaggers nickname Drummle to highlight his violent and predatory nature?
Links to: Power, control, ambition, Drummle

I loved her simply because I found her irresistible...

How does Pip describe his love for Estella that highlights how impossible it is?
Links to: love, ambition, Pip, Estella, power

A wild beast tamed

Molly is described as what by Wemmick?


Mrs Joe's beating stick

I'm your second father. Your my son
