Unit 4 Religion

How is the title "Son of Man" used in Mark's Gospel?

Sometimes it means "mortal," like an ordinary man, and in other ways it seems to refer to a special, superman figure.

What role do miracles play in Mark's Gospel? What do they demonstrate?


What is Jesus' attitude toward the Sabbath, and why?

Jesus doesn't follow the strict Jewish laws on fasting. Jesus proclaims himself Lord of the Sabbath (2.27). He heals a man on the sabbath, angering the Pharisees.

About when was Mark's Gospel written?

85 A.D

What is the traditional symbol for the Evangelist Mark? For Matthew?

Mark- A winged lion
Matthew- A man (or an angel)

Name four behaviors of Jesus that caused him to seem to be a threat to the Jewish authorities.


With what kind of attitude does Jesus bear his sufferings in Mark's Gospel?


What sin is Jesus accused of after claiming the authority to forgive sins?


What is Jesus' family's attitude toward him in Mark's Gospel?

Jesus' family believes that he is a bit crazy and comes to collect him in Mark's Gospel

What did Jesus emphasize each of his followers must carry, according to Mark?

Jesus is portrayed as he who suffers with courage and comes to glory and eternal life. Jesus' followers are to do the same.

Be very familiar with the Parable of the Sower, and what the various elements of the parable represent/symbolize.


Who does tradition say is the author of Matthew's Gospel?

Author was probably a Jewish Christian scribe. Early tradition pointed towards the apostle Matthew (tax collector Levi, as the author of the Gospel of Matthew)

What is the Messianic Secret? Who keeps it, and why?

Mark shows Jesus trying to keep his divine identity a secret! (1.21-28, for ex.) This is the "messianic secret". If people started shouting out "messiah!," many would misunderstand what Jesus was about, since they were expecting a conquering military mess

In Matthew's Gospel, what is Jesus' relationship to the Old Testament and the prophecies about the Messiah?

The Gospel is very organized and contains 5 great speeches by Jesus to show his role as a powerful teacher. Show Jesus relationship to the OT as the fulfillment of the Jewish Messiah, esp. By referring to Jesus as "son of David'

Is anti-Semitism consistent with Christianity? Explain.

Pope John Paul 2 explicitly condemned anti-Semitism (a form of prejudice against Jews). To be anti-Semitic is to be anti-Christian.

What does the term eschatological mean?

discourse which symbolically describes the last days

According to the Sermon on the Mount, has Jesus come to abolish the Law of Moses? Explain.

Jesus has not come to abolish the Law of Moses. Summary of Jesus' Law of Love, delivered from a high place (like Moses!) with the major theme being putting love into practice (discipleship)
Sharing faith with others.

How many teaching discourses are there in Matthew? Which discourse summarizes Jesus' Law of Love?

5 discourses. The Sermon on the Mount summarizes this

What is Gehenna?

Jewish term for Hell. Originally a site of human sacrifice. In Jesus' time it was a garbage dump.

What is Matthew trying to emphasize about Jesus by using the title "Son of David?

Show Jesus relationship to the OT as the fulfillment of the Jewish Messiah, esp. By referring to Jesus as "son of David'

When Jesus makes his declaration in Matthew's Gospel about Peter being the rock upon which he will build his church, etc., what are some of the important implications?


How does Jesus use the example of a mustard seed? What is the meaning of his teaching?

Jesus uses the example of the mustard seed to say that like a mustard seed, the Kingdom of God will start small but grow very large.