Moral guide


Anointed one of God; Savior

Light of the World

Taught how to live God's will and how to reach fulfillment

New Adam

Adam fell to sin; Jesus came to redeem us from sin


Commandments that help us use freedom responsibly

Old Law

Law in Action?

New Law

Law in heart? Given by Jesus


Teaching stories depicting right action


Happiness, attitudes to follow Christ

Kingdom of God

God's reign of peace, love, and justice in our world

Jesus' 4 main Values

Each individual has worth, doing God's will is high priority, deny ourselves and sacrifice for others, and love everyone even enemies.

New Law vs. Old Law

They followed the law in action vs. fully embracing law in heart

2 greatest commandments

You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, mind and soul.
You shall love your neighbor as yourself.