Atmospheric Science Chapter 1 (blackboard 1)

Composition of the Atmosphere

1. mixture of invisible gases (Including Water Vapor)
2. Water Droplets and Ice Crystals
3. Suspended Microscopic particles such as dust and smoke (aerosols)


Minute to minute, day to day changes in temperature, humidity, wind, precipitation, etc.


Longer term averages of weather (usually 3 years)



Fundmental Cause of weather

Effect of the sun on the earth. Out Sun is a Nuclear reactor producing enormous amounts of fusion energy.

Earth's Atmosphere

a thin envelope of gases no taller than about the distance of an hour drive on the highway, 60 miles (100 km). some of it extends several hungered km high


Tiny Solid or Liquid Particles that are suspended in the atmosphere (excluding cloud droplets and precipitation)

Sources of Aerosols in the air

1. Volcanic Eruptions
2. Forest Fires
3. Tornadoes
4. Wind Erosion
5. Incomplete Fuel combustion
6. Construction
7. Crop Spraying
8. Industrial Processes


a mechanism that removes gas from the atmosphere

Water Vapor

Varies near the earth's surface and is considered to be the most effect greenhouse gas

Source of water vapor

Evaporation from large bodies of water

Sink of Water vapor

condensation to produce water (rain)

Hydrologic Cycle

the cycle and process of water. Water is the only substance that exists naturally in the atmosphere in all three forms.

Sources of Carbon Dioxide

1. Volcanoes
2. Decomposition of plants
3. burning off of fossil fuels
4. Animal Respiration
5. Deforestation

Sinks of Carbon Dioxide

1. Photosynthesis
2. Dissolution into oceans
3. Absorption by Phytoplankton in large bodies of water

Carbon Dioxide

Is associated with warm periods in the earth's long term history. It has a residence time of 150 years and is a greenhouse gas.


a naturally occurring gas concentrates 12-12 miles above the earth in the earth's atmosphere. It is a greenhouse gas and absorbs lethal amounts of ultraviolet rays from the sun protecting life on earth. However, when near the earth's surface it is a major


a green house gas that comes from the decay of organic substances, burring of forests, coal mining, and cattle raising


is an Anthropogenic Gas and a greenhouse gas. It comes from propellants in spray cans, styrofoam puffing agents, and coolants fro refrigerators and air conditioners. Has a residence time on earth of 100 years.

Anthropogenic Pollutants near the earth's surface include:

1. Carbon monoxide (CO)
2. Nitrous Oxides including nitrogen dioxide (NO2)
3. Ozone (O3)
4. Sulphur Dioxide (SO2)
5. Industrial smoke particles

Sources of Pollutants

1. Incomplete buring of fossil fuels in cars, industries, and power plants


a force exerted on a given area P=Force/Area