Chapter 5 section review questions.

What scientific evidence shows that some of the wooly mammoths died suddenly?

Some of their bodies still had vegetation in their stomach and between their teeth. Some were still standing up.

Where do secular scientists believe rocky planets would form in a developing solar system?

Secular scientist believe in the nebular hypothesis so dense rocky planets should form nearer to the stars compared to other planets.

How do secular scientist think the earth's oceans formed?

Early in the earth's history from the impact and melting of icy comets.

Why is Venus a problem for the nebular hypothesis?

Venus rotates backwards and it should rotate according to the nebular hypothesis.

How do you think a secular scientist would explain why Uranus rotes on its side using his model?

A large planet ( or something) collided with Uranus and tilted its rotation sideways

Why do some people cling to their theories in the face of contradictions?

Because of their world view. To change they have to see the world differently.

How is the order of creation events different from how the solar system and life are believed to have evolved?

God had things created in different order like the sun and moon were after the earth. The sun was created after plants but plants need sun to survive.

True or False. Evolutionists account for the natural origin of life from nonliving material because life exists and according to them, there can't be any other way for life to begin.


According to secular geologists, what kind of landmass formed again and again as continental plates came together and separated throughout Earth's history?

Secular geologists believe that when continental plates came together at many times in the earth's past, they formed supercontinents.

How many glacial periods have occurred in the earths past according to secular geologists? How severe do they believe they were?

Secular geologists believe that there were 5 major ice ages.

What are the two ways that geologists can dat a rock stratum?

The absolute scale using radiometric dating or relative dating which relies on the principle of superposition and index fossils

Why does the presence of fossils in rocks all over the world present a problem for those who believe the history of the earth involved mostly slow changes caused by the same processes we see today?

Fossils form when organisms are rapidly buried and the sediment quickly turns to rocs. This can only happen under catastrophic conditions.

State three ways in which the biblical flood affected the world and people.

It marked the dividing line between the original earth and today's world. all recorded human history occurred after the floor and the length of human lives decreased greatly after the flood changing the way we approach life. Also, the flood completely cha

What two factors associated with the flood may have contributed to a single Ice Age following the Flood?

Heating of the world oceans as the waters cooled magma during the flood and the formation of thick clouds from volcanic dust and water vapor probably contributed to a singe ice age following the flood.

What two events happening close together may have killed and preserved the Siberian wooly mammoths?

The increased cold and lack of food. Sudden heavy dust storms and plummeting temperatures seem to have killed more mammoths.

Identify the five main periods of Earth's history represented by diluvian geologic column and briefly describe them.

The creation event (lowest layers, no fossils)

The lost world era (a think layer of rocks from sediments, no fossils)


The flood event (great thickness and many fossils)


The new World era (think rock layers, few fossils)


Recent sediments (loose, unconsolidated materials, no fossils)


True or False. The Genesis flood lasted for 40 days and 40 nights.

False, The rain lasted 40 days and 40 nights but the floodwater lasted for hundreds of days.

Why was the geosyncline model inadequate to explain the origins of geologic structures?

The geosyncline theory could not identiy the source of uplifting forces nor the forces that folded strata to form mountains.

How long have leaned men thought that continents could have drifted apart over time?

Since at least the 1600s, when early maps first showed the parallel coastline shapes of America, Europe and Africa. People have suspected that the continents could have drifted apart over time.

What technology used during WWII revealed unsuspected ocean basin structures that reinforced the idea of drifting continents?

Sonar used to look for enemy submarines showed the ocean basin structures.

What do geologist believe is the driving force for sea-floor spreading?

Geologist believe that rising plumes of hot mantle rock struck the underside of the ocean crust, then spread apart, dragging sections of the crust apart.

What is an important geologic feature found in ocean basin associated with subduction of oceanic plates under continental plates?

Deep ocean trenches are present where ocean plates appear to have subducted under continental plates

How long ago do most geologist believe the last super continent began breaking apar, and how fast are plates moving?

Most geologists believe that Pangaea broke apart about 180 million years ago and that plates are moving less than 50 cm per year.

Both secular and young earth geologist agree on the essential aspects of the plat tectonics they expect in what two key points?

The two plate tectonic theories disagree on when the tectonic plate movements occurred and how long they took to happen.

According to Dr. Baumgartner's model of catastrophic plate tectonics, how long ago di the tectonic plates spread apart and how long did the process take?

Baumgartner's model suggests that the plate spreading occurred during the Genesis Food over the course of about a year.

What geologic problem with the sea-floor spreading model is solved by the catastrophic plate tectonics model?

Sea-floor spreading requires a more or less stationary, hot mantle plume to drive the spreading action at the mid-ocean rift. But geologic evidence indicates that the spreading zone has moved over time. Catastrophic plate tectonics does not require the ri

True or False. Scientific evidence today indicates that continents are not fixed in position on the surface of the earth, but slowly move.
