Heat and Energy Chapter 3 Section 2

Matter is made of

Tiny moving particles.

Kinetic Energy

The energy an object has due to its motion.
Faster the particles move, the more kinetic energy.

Average Kinetic Energy

Measurement of different speeds of particles in an object. Provides an objects temperature.


A measure of average kinetic energy of all particles in the object. Higher temperature is due to a lot of kinetic energy, not size of object. Cooler temp less kinetic energy/movement of particles.


Thermal energy transfered between objects of different temperatures. Heat moves from higher temperature object to lower temperature object.

Thermal Energy

Total kinetic energy of particles that make up a substance. Measured in Joules (J).

Thermal energy depends on

1. Temperature (High temperature more thermal energy than a low temperature object)2. Number of particles in a substance (At same temperature, objects with more particles have more thermal energy). Soup in pan vs. bowl/Pan has more thermal energy than sou

How does heat move between objects

Conduction, Convection, Radiation


Heat moves from one object to another through direct contact (spoon in a soup bowl, soup warms spoon, spoon warms handle)


Matter carries heat from one place to another (boil water in a pot, temp of water near burner increases, hot water risesand carries heat from bottom of pot to top)

Thermal Expansion

An increase in the size of a substance when the temperature is increased (hot air rises above cold air, hot water rises above cold water)


Energy, heat, moves in waves beteen objects. Energy travels from Sun to Earth by radiation through outer space

3 States of Matter

Solid, Liquid, Gas. All have the same chemicals, but depends on speed of particles and attraction between them.


Strong attraction between particles. Particles are closely locked, can only vibrate.


Loose attraction between particles. Particles can collide and move past one another.


No attraction between particles. Particles move fast, independently and collide often

How do you change matter from one state to another

Add heat/objects temperature goes up and particles move faster. Solid becomes a liquid or Liquid becomes a gas.
Decrease heat/ objects temperature goes down and particles move slower. Gas to liquid or Liquid to solid.


Gas turns to liquid


Liquid turns to solid


Solid turns to liquid


Liquid turns to gas