Erosion and Deposition

The process by which natural forces move weathered rock and soil from one place to another is called


Landslides, mudflows, slump, and creep are all examples of

mass movement

Mass movement is caused by


A stream or river that runs into another stream or river is called a


A river flowing across a wide flood plain begins to form looplike bends called


Where a river flows from an area of harder rock to an area of softer rock, the softer rock may wear away, eventually forming a drop called a(an)


A wide sloping deposit of sediment formed where a stream leaves a mountain range is called a(an)

alluvial fan

Wind carrying sand grains deposits the sand when the wind

slows down or hits an obstacle

A __________________ is any large mass of ice that moves slowly over land


________________________ is the process by which wind removes surface materials and picks up the smallest particles of sediment and may create desert pavement


Wind erosion and deposition may form ________________ and ____________ deposits

sand dunes and loess

The force that moves sediment in a landslide or mudflow is ____________________.


The major agent of erosion that shapes Earth's land surface is moving ____________________.


Through erosion, rivers form ____________________, which are wide, flat areas covered by water during floods.

flood plains

Sediment deposited where a river flows into an ocean or lake is called a(an)


____________________ is the term used by geologists for water that soaks into the ground, fills the openings in the soil, and trickles into cracks and spaces in layers of rock.


Ocean waves contain energy that is transferred to them by ____________________ moving across the surface


The two processes by which waves erode the land are impact and


The times in the past when continental glaciers covered large parts of Earth's land surface were the ____________________.

ice ages

_____________________, which consists of pieces of rock or remains of plants and animals, is produced by weathering and erosion.


Weathering, erosion, and ______________ act together in a cycle that wears down and builds up the Earth's surface


As the energy of a wave moves through the water, what happens to the water particles themselves

They move up and down, but do not move forward

Glaciers can only form when

more snow falls than melts

The amount of runoff in an area depends on which of the following factors?

Vegetation, rain, and soil type.

Areas of limestone are easily eroded by groundwater because

water combines with carbon dioxide as it sinks into the ground, creating carbonic acid, which slowly dissolves the limestone.