Science earthquakes


When an earthquake is reported on the news, reporters often refer to its.

Indicates size of a seismic wave.


Measures the amount of damage from an earthquake.

Modified mercalli scale

Accounts for the magnitude, size of the fault rupture, amount of movement along the fault and the rocks stiffness.

Moment magnitude scale.

Based on the largest seismic waves made by an earthquake

Richter scale

What two factors determine an areas risk for earthquake activity

History of earthquakes and amount of strain in accumulation

The amount of energy released in an earthquake


The Richter scale is a numerical scale used to describe an Earthquakes


Each whole number increases on the Richter scale corresponds to a 32- fold increase in

Seismic energy

The moment magnitude scale takes into account the size of an earthquakes

Fault rupture

The time an earthquake occurred can be estimated from the

Seismic wave size

The amount of damage done to structures by an earthquake is the earthquakes


The modified mercalli scale measures an earthquakes


The modified mercalli scale ranges from


Earthquakes intensity depends primarily on the height of

Surface waves

As the distance from a quakes epicenter increases

Intensity decreases

Maximum earthquake intensity is usually found at the earthquakes


One factor that determines the strength of an earthquake is the depth of the
