Earth Science Chapter 1 Test Prep

Which of these is not a part of Earth Science: Astronomy or Astrology?


According to the nebular hypothesis, our solar system formed from a huge rotating cloud made mostly of?

Helium and Hydrogen

The area of Earth science that examines the physical and biological changes that have occurred in Earth's past is called?

Historical Geology

Which of Earth's spheres includes the oceans, rivers, lakes, and glaciers?


Which of Earth's spheres are asthenosphere and lithosphere a part of?


What are the 3 main parts of the geosphere?

Crust, Mantle, Core

What does the theory of plate tectonics help scientists explain?

Volcanic eruptions and Earthquakes

Where is the Prime Meridian on the global grid?

Zero degrees longitude

What is a map projection that shows accurate directions, but has distorted sizes and distances?


Which type of map best shows differences in elevation?


On a topographic map, what do contour lines that form a circle indicate?


On a topographic map, what is the elevation of an area with contour lines that are very far apart?

Nearly flat

What does a map with a scale of 1:24000 mean?

1 unit on the map is equal to 24,000 units on the ground

What receives radio waves from space objects such as quasars?

VLBI equipment

Why is Earth considered part of a system?

Its parts interact.

What are the interacting parts of a weather system?

Temperature,moisture, clouds, precipitation, wind speed, air pressure, and wind direction.

What is powered by energy from Earth's interior?

Geothermal energy, tectonic plate motion, volcanoes, the Earth's magnetic field

What is a volcanic eruption?

Release of stored energy from below the surface of Earth.

Are plants a renewable resource?


What are non-renewable resources?

Things that are extracted or mined from the Earth, such as petroleum, coal and metals.

What is biomass?

The material that comes from plants and animals that were recently living and also includes the waste that plants and animals produce.

What uses heat from deep within the earth to heat homes or produce steam that turns turbines?

Geothermal energy

What is a common environment hazard caused by humans?

Air pollution

How can a scientific hypothesis become a scientific theory?

The hypothesis is tested extensively and competing hypotheses are eliminated.

What is a group of sciences that deals with Earth and its neighbors in space?

Earth Science

What hypothesis suggests that our solar system evolved from a huge rotating cloud?


What are the four major spheres the Earth is divided into?

hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere, geosphere

What sphere does Earth's lower mantle lie below?


According to the theory of plate tectonics, _______ forces such as volcanism and mountain building receive energy from Earth's interior


What are the lines called that are used to measure distances north or south of the equator?


What do topographic maps show that most other maps do not?


Earth as a system is made up of many_____ that interact.


What is a group of interacting parts that form a complex whole?


What is the Earth's atmosphere and hydrosphere are powered by?


A major problem caused by humans is the contamination and depletion of what type of resources?


What type of resource are water, wind, and solar energy?


The idea that Earth was the center of the universe is an example of a_______ that has long been discarded


What major problem must mapmakers overcome?

Putting a round Earth on a flat paper causes distortion in shape, size, and distance.

How does the global grid divide Earth?

Into hemispheres

How do topographic maps indicate changes in elevation?

Contour lines.

What causes movement of the lithospheric plates?

Unequal distribution of heat within Earth

What layers form Earth's rigid, mobile plates according to the plate tectonic theory?

Crust and upper mantle

How much of Earth's water is fresh water (drinkable)?

3 percent