CSET Science Review

The Scientific Method:

Using Observations to make Inferences to draw Conclusions.

The Scientific Method Process

1. Define a problem
2. Form a Hypothesis
3. Make Observations & 4.Perform Experiments
5.Analyze data
6.Do Observations and Experiments Support the Hypothesis?
If Yes...
7.Draw Conclusions
8.Communicate Results

Students in a third grade class are performing an experiment in which they will measure the amount of time it takes for one, two, and eight ice cubes to melt in a given quantity of water at a particular
temperature. They will then predict the melting time

a) make accurate observations

Phases of Matter

Solid, Liquid, Gas, Plasma

What happens when matter heats up?

The atoms are colliding faster and faster. There is also a relationship between the temperature, volume and pressure of gasses.

Which statement BEST explains the following example? As a car is
driven at high speeds for a long duration, the size of the tires temporarily increases.
A) Gases can be compressed in small volumes
B) As the temperature of a gas increases, the volume incre

B) As the temperature of a gas increases, the volume increases.

Energy is

the ability to perform work. Energy.is never created or destroyed; it is always there. Energy can exist in different forms: Potential Energy, Kinetic Energy, Thermal Energy.

Potential Energy

is stored energy

Kinetic Energy

energy of motion

Thermal Energy

also exists because heat can be converted to motion and motion can produce heat.

What are energy sources?

Solar, Wind, Geothermal (heat from earth; volcanic),Nuclear (uses fission), hydroelectric (turbines), fossil fuels


Splitting, getting smaller (like in nuclear power plants)


putting together, bigger (like in a hydrogen bomb)


reflection and refraction

Dispersion of Sunlight

refraction of white light

Which of the following is the best example of the refraction of light waves?
a) markings on flowers that are invisible in normal light can be seen in ultraviolet light
b) Deep lakes appear to be blue or green in color
c) sunlight striking a black box will

d) light passes through raindrops and produces a rainbow


travels by conduction (in solids),convection (through liquids) and radiation (through gases).

What is a good example to use to illustrate how heat travels?

A tea kettle.
Conduction: the metal of the tea kettle gets hot from the stove.
Convection: hot water from the bottom of the kettle rises, cools, sinks and heats again
Radiation: the air around the kettle feels hot because the kettle gives off heat.


like charges repel. opposite charges attract. either pole of a magnet will atttract unmagnetized iron fillings.the fillings can be used to view the magnet field in the space around the magnet. the field or attraction is stronger near the poles themselves


Note that an electric current also generates a magnetic field. Electricity and magnetism are closely linked.

There is electric potential inside a...

battery. electrons are negatively charged. the electrons get repelled from the negative end of the battery and attracted to the positive end when the circut is closed or completed.

Circut Lingo

a closed circut allows the flow of electrons through the system. the light is on. an open circut does not allow the electrons to flow. the light is off.


the tendency of an object to float. The force behind floating systems is gravity. Gravity pulls both the object and the water downward. They are both competing for the same space. The water will try to push the object back up, if the water pushes the obje

How can you determine whether or not an object will float or sink?

If the Density is known. The density of water is 1 gram/ milliliter. If the density of an object is more, it will sink. If the density of an object is less than 1 gm/ml, it will float. Although a ship is made of steel, it can float because it is not solid

How can you calculate density?

Density = Mass/Volume. Measure mass on a scale in grams and measure volume by water displacement. i.e. submerge object in a beaker and see how many milliliters of water rises.

A geogolist finds and unknown rock. Describe a procedure the geogolist could use to measure the rocks mass, density and volume and what tools will be needed.

Tools: Scale or balance & a beaker or measuring cup
1. Measure mass on a scale
2. Measure volume by water displacement in known amount of h20, put rock in it and see how much h20 goes up
3. calculate the density by dividing the mass/volume.

What is force?

Mass x acceleration

what is work?

force x distance
work is done when a force moves something over distance.

Simple Machines

make the job easier to do because they allow a small force, the effort to overcome a large force, the load. In other words, they magnify force.

Name 6 simple machines

1. Lever
2. Pulley
3. Inclined Plane
4. Wedge
5. Gears
6. Wheel & Axle

Using you knowledge of simple machines, explain what kinds of movements would balance out a teetor-totter with one large child and one small child.

1. move the big kid in
2. move the fulcrum to the big guy
3. have the little guy get a backpack or a buddy to balance it out.

What forces would you overcome with a simple machine?

1. Pulley - overcome weight and gravity
2. Ramp - overcome friction

Sexual Reproduction results in

more variety within a species

Asexual Reproduction results in

an offspring identical to the parent


the process of cell division which results in growth. Like meiosis, the genetic material is divided equally between the daughter cells. But in this case, the cells duplicate the other half using molecules within its cytoplasm. The result is 2 cells with e


has to do with reproduction - the formation of an egg or sperm cell. type of cell division that produces four cells, each with half as many chromosomes as the parent cell

Gregor Mendel

father of genetics, conducted experiments by crossing pea plants with certain characteristics like round seeds or wrinkled seeds. He studied the ratios and determined the laws of heredity. showed that physical units of heredity came in pairs (one unit fro

Genetics (definition)

Each chromosome (we have 23) contains a number of genes (either dominant or recessive) that determine each trait of an individual.


refers to what the organism looks like


refers to the genes the organism has


the offspring of genetically dissimilar parents


the brain of a cell that contains DNA/chromosomes, and is responsible for growth and reproduction, also the center of the atom which contains the protons and neutrons


powerhouse, produces energy, rod-shaped cell structures that convert energy in food molecules to energy the cell can use to carry out its functions


protective barrier with doors and windows, only allows certain molecules to pass through, a thin, flexible, tensile layer of tissue that seperates, conects, lines, or covers various structure, such as organs, in living creatures


making proteins, a tiny structure in the cytoplasm of a cell where proteins are made


all the living material inside a cell except the nucleus.

the animal cell

has a cell membrane, cytoplasm and cell nucleus, is round or oval in shape

plant cell

has a cell wall (structure) and chloroplasts (photosynthesis). Type of cell that performs photosynthesis and respiration, always have brick or rectangular shapes

When a mutation in a gene occurs in an individual it will not have an affect on the group unless the:
A) environment changes
B) threat of predators are reduced
C) individual lives long enough to breed
D) mutation increases the variability of the group

C) individual lives long enough to breed

the dominant gene for eye color is brown. Can 2 brown eyed parents have a blue eyed baby? Use the punnet square to analyze the cross.

BB, Bb
there is a 1 in 4 chance.

flower anatomy

Petal, Stamen (male), pistil (female), sepals, receptacle


the process by which plants convert light into the chemical energy stored in foods. the green pigment chlorophyll traps the light energy for the reaction. this reaction happens in the chloroplast.


the process of respiration takes place in animal cells. plants however use the process too! The sugar the plant makes can be oxidized later to release energy. This can happen in the plant itself or in the animal that eats the plant. this process is called

The xylem and phloem in plants functions most like which human organ system?
A) Digestive
B) Circulatory
C) Nervous
D) Immune

B) Circulatory
The xylem are specialized water cells in tubes and the phloem conducts food in the plant, its major function is to move things.

Plants Taxonomic Classification - 7 Levels


An Example of a 5 Kingdom Classification System

1.Monera - single celled organisms w/out nuclei. example:bacteria
2.Protista - single celled organisms with nuclei.
example: algae, protozoa
3. Fungi - mostly many celled, absorb food directly from living or dead organisms.
examples: yeasts,molds,mushroom


have living and non living components. All the living things are connected in the food web.
1. Sunlight
2. Plants
3. Herbivores
4. Carnivores
5. Decomposers

The Circulatory System

blood that caries oxygen and nutrients through out your body. Consists of:
Blood - red and white cells, platelets
Heart - muscular pump
Blood Vessels -
arteries; carry oxygenated blood (away) from the heart
veins; carry deoxygenated blood to the heart,

The Eye

light rays are refracted through the lens to the retina. The image is carried to the brain via the optic nerve

The Life Cycle of a Butterfly (Stages)

1. They lay eggs on leaves
2. These grow into caterpillars
3. Caterpillars form a chrysalis and enter the pupa stage (cocoon)
4. In the chrysalis, metamorphisis, or change takes place
5. the pupa emerges as a butterfly

The Life Cycle of Mammals

1. Mammals always give live birth
2. In most mammals eggs develop inside the mothers body


some animals, such as worms, reproduce simply by splitting in two.

The Life Cycle of Birds

Juvenile birds are hatched eggs.

The Life Cycle of Frogs

1. Frogs lay eggs under water in spring time.
2. In 2 weeks a tadpole hatches from an egg
3. At 9 weeks front and back legs form
4. By the 11th week and adult frog is formed

The Earth's structure

The Crust
Inner Core

Geologic Time: Dinosaurs are from the...

Mesozoic Time

Layered Rocks

In layers of rock, the lower down the layer, the older it is.

Igneous rocks are found throughout the world. Which of the following processes yield an igneous rock?
a) accumulation on a coral reef
b) tremendous pressure over an extended period of time
c) the laying down of deposits on top of one another
d) the erupti

d) the eruption of a volcano

An example of island building

accumulation on a coral reef

An example of metamorphic rock

tremendous pressure over an extended period of time

An example of sedimentary rock

the laying down of deposits on top of one another

If you were conducting an experiment to identify the hardness of 5 unknown mineral samples, which of the following would not be an indicator in identifying hardness?
a) Color
b) Cleavage
c) Density
d) Scratch Test

d) Scratch Test

Continental Drift

1.This theory states that all of the land masses that are on earth today, were once joined together as a super continent called Pangea.
2. A Global catacysm caused this land mass to split apart
3. The crust of the earth is now formed of dozens of "plates


Almost 95 out of 100 quakes occur in the two great belts - the Pacific Belt and the Mediterranean Belt. Most of the world's active volcanoes and young mountain ranges are in these areas. An erupting volcano may sometimes cause an earthquake.


Usually caused by moving water (in the form of rivers, waves, ice) or wind.

Wind and Wind Patterns

Wind is moving air. It travels in huge spirals from areas of high atmospheric pressure to areas of low pressure. Wind can also move horizontally across the earth's surface near the poles and the equator. These different movements cause complicated wind pa

Wind Velocity or Speed is measured using...

the Beaufort Scale. The scale divides winds into categories or forces, based on wind strength.


It is currently estimated that there are 100 billion galaxies in the universe, each containing 100 billion stars. Our sun is only one star in the Milky Way Galaxy. The solar system is comprised our sun and its orbiting bodies- planets, asteroids and comet

What causes a lunar and solar eclipse and how are they different?

Lunar - the earth casts a shadow on the moon and only happens during a full moon.
Solar - the moon casts a shadow on the earth and it only happens during a new moon.

What is this picture of?

Dispersion of Sunlight Answer

Relection & Refraction Answer

What is this picture of?

What is this? Name the numbers

Water Cycle Answer

How Heat Travels

Lunar Phases & Lunar Phenomena

1. The moon takes as long to rotate around its axis as it takes to revolve around the earth. This phenomena results in the same side of the moon always facing the earth.
2. The tides are caused by the gravitational pull of the moon and the sun on the wate

True or False: The full moon is never in the sky at the same time as the sun.


True or False: The moon always appears full somewhere on Earth


True or False: A Full moon occurs whenever the full moon is closest to the earth


True or False: The greatest in tide differences are experienced in the most inland places


Why Do Seasons of the Year Change?

The seasons of the year change because the intensity of the sun's rays change as the earth orbits around the sun. the more direct the suns rays the more heat energy the earth receives.

Where does the North Pole always point to?

Polaris (North Star).

What is the tilt of the earth's axis?

a constant 23 1/2 degrees.


a simple machine that gives a mechanical advantage when given a fulcrum. It is a rod or bar that turns around a pivot or fulcrum to move a load (think teetor totter). Even your arm is a lever with the elbow as the fulcrum.

If you had a big kid and a small kid on a teetor totter how would you get them to weigh the same?

1. A teetor totter is like a lever: the bigger child is the load and the smaller child would be considered the effort. If you move the fulcrum towards the load than there is less effort, which balances it out.
2. you could also move the big kid in closer


simple machine made from a grooved wheel with a rope or cable wrapped around the groove. Useful for lifting things vertically. A double pulley doubles the load that can be listed with the same amount of effort. You can use a pulley to overcome the force o

Inclined Plane

simple machine that consists of a sloping surface, such as a ramp, that reduces the amount of force needed to lift something by increasing the distance over which the force is applied. A slope like on a moving truck. Makes it easier than lifting. The thre

Wheel and axle

simple machine that consists of a shaft or axle attached to the center of a larger wheel, so that the shaft and the wheel rotate together. Because the wheel is larger than the axle, turns in a smaller circle, but with more force. Like any kind of crank.

How do a wheel and axle increase force?

As with the inclined plane and levers, you gain in force what you lose in distance moved. Here the movement of the wheel is turned into a shorter but more powerful movement of the axle.


two or more wheels linked together by interlocking teeth. Often used with the wheel and axle line in a windmill or egg beater.


a simple machine that is a double inclined plane that moves; a wedge is often used for cutting, like the head of an ax.

Which of the following steps in making a cup of coffee invloves a chemical change in matter?
A. Whole bean coffee is ground in a coffee grinder
B. a burner on a propane stove is lighted to heat water.
C. Water in a kettle begins to boil.
D. Boiling water

B. a burner on a propane stove is lighted to heat water.
because a chemical change is a process in which a substance is changed into one or more different substances. When a propane stove is lighted, the propane gas combines chemically with the oxygen fro

(pretend picture of geological cross section)
San Luis Till
Martin shale
Hosta sandstone
Elliott Limestone
parkside fault
1. List the correct order in which the events occured, from longest ago to most recent and
2. Identify one piece of evidence that sup

Longest ago - Elliot limestone deposited - had to be there before any layer on top of it
Hasta Sandstone
Martin Shale
Fault formation
Erosion of Martin Shale
Most recent - San Luis Till
Martin Shale "evened itself out" when the higher Martin shale on the

The order of elements in the periodic table is based on
A). The number of neutrons
B). The radius of the atom
C). The atomic number
D). The atomic weight

C). The atomic number

Which of the following changes is not a physical change of matter?
A. Evaporation
B. Decomposition of old leaves
C. Painting wood
D. Cutting a copper wire

B. Decomposition of old leaves
Because it is a chemical change.

What is a chemical change?

A change that results in the production of another substance.

What is a physical change?

A change that does not result in the production of a new substance. Examples are: melting, freezing, condensing, bending,crushing,and breaking.

Inelastic collisions occur in
I. Real gases
II. Ideal gases
III. Fusion reactions
A. I and II
B. II and III
C. I and III
D. I only

C. I and III. Real gases and fusion reactions.

Kinetic molecular theory of gas

Collisions are elastic, there is no overall net gain or loss of energy.

Atomic Structure

The atom is the basic building block of matter, representing the smallest unit of a chemical element.
In 1911, Ernest Rutherford provided experimental evidence that an atom has a dense, positively charged nucleus that accounts for only a small portion of


Protons carry a single positive charge and have a mass of approximately one atomic mass unit (abbreviated as amu). The atomic nurnber Z of an element is equal to the number of protons found in an atom of that element. All atoms of a given element have the


Neutrons carry no charge and have a mass only slightly heavier than that of protons. The total number of neutrons and protons in an atom, known as the mass number, determines its mass.


Electrons carry a charge equal in magnitude but opposite in charge to that of protons. An electron has a very small mass, approximately 1/1,837 the mass of a proton or neutron, which is negligible for most purposes. The electrons farthest from the nucleus

Which of the following best demonstrates the theory that molecules are always in motion?
A. a spoonful of sugar is added to a cup of cocoa, and the cocoa becomes sweet in all parts of the cup.
B. a small stone is dropped into a glass of water and falls st

A. a spoonful of sugar is added to a cup of cocoa, and the cocoa becomes sweet in all parts of the cup.
(similar distribution would result if gas were released in a corner of a room).
Why are the other choices wrong?
Because Choice B (dropping a small sto

Which of the following solutions would make the litmus paper turn red?
A. liquid drain opener
B. Salt water
C. Vinegar
D. Lye

Because litmus paper changes to red when it is dipped in acid and blue when dipped into a base. The acid or alkaline strength of a solution is measured by the PH scale. On a PH scale, H represents hydrogen, as acids and alkalis have different hy

In the periodic table of elements, the atomic number indicates the number of:
A. neutrons
B. electrons
C. protons
D. nuclei

C. protons
No two elements have the same atomic number. the elements in the periodic table are arranged in order of increasing atomic number. The periodic table of elements is important classification tool for chemists. Each horizontal row of elements is

Most of the elements in the periodic table are
A. metals
B. gases
C. non-metals
D. compounds

A. metals
Metals show a wide range of chemical and physical properties. Most metals are good conductors of heat and electricity and some, like iron and cobalt, are magnetic. Many metals in the periodic table are alkali metals, such as sodium and potassium

Which of the following elements have the most similar chemical properties?
A. Boron and Carbon
B. Sodium and Chlorine
C. Lithium and potassium
D. Carbon and oxygen

C, Lithium and potassium.
Elements in the same group or column are likely to have the same chemical properties, based largely on the number of electrons in their outermost shell. For example, all the elements in column 1, starting with lithium, have 1 ele

The sun converts nuclear energy to electromagnetic energy and thermal energy. Which of the following is the best example of a change from thermal energy to chemical energy when solar energy reaches the earth?
A. Evaporation of ocean water from solar energ

C. Sugars in the leaves of plants.
Plants convert solar energy into chemical energy through photosynthesis. Thermal energy or heat energy is the energy in substances. Chemical energy is stored in the bonds of atoms and molecules. Because plants manufactur

A nuclear reactor that powers an electric generating plant relies on:
A. cold fusion
B. fission
C. fusion
D. fission and fusion

B. fission.
All nuclear reactors in use today obtain their energy through nuclear fission, which releases energy when a heavy nucleus splits into smaller fragments. You should eliminate cold fusion (A) because this process is only in the experimental stag

A spacecraft uses its engines to escape the earth's gravitational pull. Once in space, the spacecraft does not need its engines to stay in orbit. Which of the following best explains why an astronaut in orbit is weightless?
A. The spacesuit creates an air

C. The earths gravity pulls the spacecraft and the astronaut equally, but no force pulls the astronaut to the spacecraft.
This can be answered through a process of elimination. Eliminate Choice A because an individual in an air-free environment would suff

Which characteristic of a wave must change in order to affect the pitch of a sound?
A. Amplitude
B. Wavelength
C. Frequency
D. Crest

C. Frequency
A wave's crest is the top of its "hill". A wave's amplitude is its height, the distance between its resting position and its crest. Wavelength is defined as the distance between two consecutive points on a wave (crest to crest). The pitch of

As a covered kettle of vegetable soup continues to boil gently on the stove, what happens to the temperature of the soup?
A. It falls very slowly
B. It remains the same.
C. It rises very slowly
D. It rises rapidly

B. It remains the same
While the soup is boiling, both liquid and vapor are present in the covered kettle. The Temperature of the liquid cannot be higher than its boiling point (212 degrees) and the temperature of the water vapor cannot be less than the b

Which of the following is an example of a third-class lever?
A. A seesaw
B. a baby stroller
C. A baseball bat
D. A Wheelbarrow

C. A baseball bat. A lever is an object that is free to move around a fixed point or fulcrum. A lever provides a mechanical advantage because the lever multiplies the force applied to an object. The three different types of levers are classified according

A commercial glass thermometer is partially filled with mercury. What physical principle best explains the use of mercury in thermometers?
A. The change in air pressure when air is heated moves the mercury.
B. Liquid mercury expands at regular intervals u

B. Liquid mercury expands at regular intervals upon heating.
The scale marks on the thermometer are evenly spaced. Such a simple scale is possible because liquid mercury expands regularly when heated, expanding upward. Choice C, (liquid mercury expands mo

Enzymes are proteins that are essential during metabolism. Which of the following best summarizes the importance of enzymes in the metabolic process?
A. They are secreted by the endocrine glands and regulate many bodily functions.
B. They permit certain c

B. They permit certain chemical reactions to proceed at significant speeds.
In this question, pay attention to the terms enzymes and metabolic process and attempt to recall relevant information about them. Metabolism is the sum of the chemical and physica

Which of the following subcellular organelles is the control center of the cell?
A. Chloroplast
B. Nucleus
C. Ribosome
D. Mitochondrion

B. Nucleus.
The cell is the smallest amount of living matter. The cell is divided into the cell membrane, the cell nucleus, and the cytoplasm. The main material within a cell, the cytoplasm, varies in consistency from a fluid to a semisolid. Embedded in t

Photosynthesis is essential for all life forms. Which of the following compounds constitutes the raw materials of photosynthesis?
A. Nitrogen and oxygen
B. Oxygen and glucose
C. Carbon dioxide and water
D. Carbon dioxide and oxygen

C. Carbon dioxide and water. Plants use carbon dioxide and water as the raw materials in the presence of the energy in sunlight to produce the products of sugar and oxygen. The sunlight strikes the chlorophyll in the chloroplasts of the plant's cells, ini

Which of the following organisms are most truly independent in obtaining nourishment?
A. Bighorn Sheep
B. Palm Trees
C. Humans
D. Salamanders

B. Palm Trees
In answering this question you should note the words most truly independent and nourishment. True independence suggests not being subject to control by others or not requiring or relying on something else. Nourishment is food. Obtaining food

A student conducts and experiment to demonstrate changes that would possibly take place in the air in a sealed greenhouse containing many plants. Which of the following statements is the most likely result of this experiment?
A. The air becomes poorer in

A. The air becomes poorer in carbon dioxide.
Before answering this question, visualize the situation given. Ask yourself questions such as these: What constitutes a sealed greenhouse? What is its environment? How does a greenhouse influence plant growth?

Ozone depletion is a serious environmental danger. Which of the following is not a true statement regarding ozone depletion?
A. It was detected over the Antarctic region
B. It has the potential to change the genetic structure of phytoplankton.
C. It is di

C. It is directly linked to a rise in the average temperature of the earth.
The breakdone of the ozone layers is primarily the result of an increase in cholorfluorocarbons (CFCs) in the atmosphere. CFCs are found in products used for refridgeration, air c

What is the chronological order of the evolutionary appearance of the following plants?
A. Moss, pine, rose, fern
B. Fern, moss, rose, pine
C. Moss, fern, pine, rose
D. Fern, rose, moss, pine

C. Moss, fern,pine,rose.
The moss and the fern are the two most primitive plants given. Neither produces seeds, so you can assume that the chronological order had to begin with one of the two. Of the plants with seeds (pine and rose), the plant with the f

The process by which an organism's internal environment is kept stable in spite of changes in the external environment is best described as:
A. respiration
B. Homeostasis
C. an organ system
D. the nervous system

B. Homeostasis. allows an individual to maintain a stable internal environment, regardless of the changes in the external environment. For example, a person's body temperature remains at 98.6 degrees F, even if the air outside is much cooler. Perspiration

All of the following must necessarily exist for all known forms of life, except:
A. air
B. carbon atoms
C. nuclear acids
D. water

A. air. Some organisms ( yeasts and bacteria) are anaerobic - they exist without free oxygen. For these organisms, in the process of fermentation, glucose is changed into ethanol and carbon dioxide anaerobically. All forms of life require water for bioche


is the movement of a plant in a reaction to a stimulus (light source). In phototropism, due to complex chemical changes, the plant bends toward the light source.


refers to the roots of a plant growing toward the center of the earth due to gravity

In the following classification levels, which level has the most members?
A. Phylum
B. Species
C. Kingdom
D. Order

C. Kingdom. The kingdom is the broadest category and has the largest numbers. There are five main kingdoms: plant, animals, fungi, protists, and monerans. There are seven levels to classify organisms. As you move down the levels, the number of organisms d

When a mutation in a gene occurs in an individual, it does not have an effect on the group unless the:
A. environment changes
B. threat of predators is reduced
C. individual lives long enough to breed.
D. mutation increases the variability of the group.

C. individual lives long enough to breed. For a mutation to be passed on, the genetic material must be passed on through breeding. a mutation is the result of a change in the makeup of the chromosomes, which contain the genes that determine the characteri

Which of the following best explains why the length of a day on the planet Venus is longer than the length of an earth year?
A. It takes more time for Venus to rotate on its axis than to revolve around the sun.
B. It takes more time for Venus to revolve a

A. It takes more time for Venus to rotate on its axis than to revolve around the sun. Venus is a unique planet. It takes approx. 7 and 1/2 "earth" moons for Venus to revolve around the sun; it takes 8 "earth" moons to rotate on its axis. Therefore, a day

What two factors keep the planets in their orbits?
A. Gravity and magnetism
B. Inertia and gravity
C. Centrifugal force and inertia
D. Alpha particles and chemical bonds

B. Inertia and gravity. They work together to keep the plants in orbit around the sun. Inertia makes a planet travel in a straight line. However, the power of the suns gravity pulls the planets toward the sun. The sun's gravity pulls the planets while the


the tendency of a moving object to stay in a straight line or a stationary object to remain in place

If an individual weighs 200 pounds on Earth, in theory, on which planet would the same individual weight the most?
A. Mercury
B. Earth
C. Jupiter
D. Mars

C. Jupiter. to answer this question you would need to know which of the listed planets is larger than Earth. The gas giants, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, have diameters far larger than Earth's and have far greater masses. Jupiter's mass (C) is mo

Which of the following statements is true about the giant star Betelgeuse based on the red color of the star?
A. The star is relatively large
B. The star is millions of light years away
C. The star is relatively cool
D. The star is relatively hot

C. The star is relatively cool. Stars with the highest surface temperature appear blue, while stars with the lowest surface temperature appear red.

What is an example of an igneous rock?

The eruption of a volcano

What is an example of a metamorphic rock?

tremendous pressure over an extended period of time

What is an example of sedimentary rocks?

The laying down of deposits, one on top of the other.

What is an example of the build up of once living things?

A Coral reef

If you were conducting an experiment to identify the hardness of 5 unknown mineral samples, which of the following would NOT be a reliable indicator in identifying the hardness?
A. color
B. cleavage
C. Density
D. scratch test

A. color. factors such as weathering and impurities can affect a minerals color.

Earthquakes vary in intensity, depending on many factors. However, the strongest earthquakes usually occur near the edges of:
A. divergent boundaries
B. convergent boundaries
C. transform boundaries
D. strike-slip faults

B. convergent boundaries. Earthquakes differ in the strength and depth at which they occur. The intensity of earthquakes depends on the type of tectonic motion that caused the initial earthquake. Most earthquakes occur near the edges of tectonic plates. T

What are the 3 major plate movements?

1. divergent- occurs when two plates pull away from each other. for example the mid-Atlantic range in the Atlantic ocean. such faults are generally weak and shallow.
2. convergent - occurs when two plates push together. for example during mountain buildin

In which of the following locations would soft tissue most likely avoid decomposition and survive as a fossil?
A. In desert soil
B. In beach sand
C. In river silt
D.In lake bottom mud

A. Lake bottom mud. Soft plant and animal tissues decompose quickly in the presence of decay bacteria, which exit wherever oxygen exists. Therefore, the correct answer is the most oxygen-free environment listed. Lake bottom mud prevents oxygen-rich air fr

Which of the following steps in making a
cup of coffee involves a chemical change
in matter?
A. Whole-bean coffee is ground in a
coffee grinder.
B. A burner on a propane stove is
lighted to heat water.
C. Water in a kettle begins to boil.
D. Boiling water

B. A burner on a propane stove is
lighted to heat water.

3. Which of the following liquids is the most
acidic and will have the lowest pH?
A. milk
B. household ammonia
C. distilled water
D. vinegar

D. vinegar

C14 is an isotope of C12. Both carbon atoms have an atomic number of six. Which of the following is the main difference between these two types of
carbon atom?
A. The C14 atom has eight neutrons and the C12 atom has six neutrons.
B. The C14 atom has fourt

A. The C14 atom has eight neutrons and the C12 atom has six neutrons.

Newton's third law of motion states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Which of the following is the best example of the application of this law?
A. More fuel is needed to drive a truck ten miles when it is loaded than when it

B. An inflated balloon moves through the air when a jet of air leaves its neck as it deflates.

Which of the following examples best demonstrates the difference between thermal energy and temperature?
A. A cup of water at 50�C contains less thermal energy than a bathtub full of water at 10�C.
B. The same amount of water loses heat faster if it is in

A. A cup of water at 50�C contains less thermal energy than a bathtub full of water at 10�C.

The stems of a bunch of just-cut white
flowers are immersed in a container of
water to which blue dye has been added.
After 24 hours, 2 tablespoons of salt are
added to the water. Twenty-four hours
later the flowers will most likely appear:
A. wilted and

A. wilted and light blue.

Which of the following statements best
explains how carbon plays a central role
in the functioning of biological systems?
A. Carbon actively transports nutrients
and wastes across cell membranes.
B. Carbon insulates nerves because it
has very low electric

C. Carbon combines with a large number of other elements to form a variety of useful compounds.

Certain species of acacia trees have long
hollow thorns that house stinging ants.
The ants feed on nectar produced by the
tree and attack anything that touches the
tree. The relationship between the ants
and the acacias is an example of:
A. mutualism.

A. mutualism.

Some species of aphids can reproduce
asexually under certain conditions. Female aphids produce other female aphids without being fertilized by a male.This asexual reproduction may continue
over many generations during the summer.In late summer or early fa

C. A female can replicate her genes very rapidly by producing large numbers of identical offspring when food is plentiful in summer.

The diagram above is a generalized energy pyramid for a freshwater swamp and surrounding forest in a
mild, temperate climate. The swamp is dominated by reeds and other swamp grasses, with various shrubs and trees on the higher ground. A large number of an

B. soil moisture

In which of the following cases of cell division is the amount of genetic material halved?
A. A bacterium undergoes fission to produce two cells.
B. Cells in the tail stump of a lizard divide and produce a new tail after the original tail is lost to a pre

C. A cell in the testes of a male sparrow divides and produces four sperm.

When a seed germinates, its roots will grow down and its shoots will grow up, even if the seed is planted upside down. This downward growth of roots and upward growth of shoots is due to the
plant's response to:
A. gravity.
B. light.
C. temperature.
D. mo

A. gravity.

The shape of the Milky Way galaxy is best described as:
A. a flat central disk with rotating spiral arms.
B. a spherical cloud of uniformly distributed matter.
C. a long, thin ribbon with ragged edges.
D. an irregular cluster with multiple concentrations

A. a flat central disk with rotating spiral arms

During the Loma Prieta Earthquake of 1989, homes located nearest to San Francisco Bay generally sustained worse damage than similar homes further from the bay. The severity of the damage
sustained by homes nearest to the bay is most likely due to the:

C. existence of sediments and fill near the shoreline.

A scientist would use a barometer in order to compare which of the following conditions between two localities?
A. wind speed
B. humidity
C. temperature
D. air pressure

D. air pressure

Summer days in parts of California are occasionally interrupted by afternoon thunderstorms. Which of the following statements best describes the typical
conditions that lead to these summer thunderstorms?
A. High winds lift large quantities of dust into t

C. A cold front moving through the area forces warm air up, causing condensation of water and the
formation of thunderheads.

Certain lakes in arid environments, such as the Great Salt Lake in Utah and the Dead Sea in Israel, are extremely saline. Other lakes in similarly arid environments contain fresh, rather than salt, water.
Which of the following is the most accurate explan

C. Water does not drain out of saltwater lakes and is removed primarily by evaporation, which leaves salt behind.

A researcher is preparing to study the effects of logging on the streams and lakes of an area in the Pacific Northwest. Which of the following types of information would be a primary source of data
to the researcher in preparing for this investigation?

C. topographic maps of the area showing logging roads and areas of clear-cutting

What two factors keep the planets in their orbits?

inertia & gravity

What are examples of a first class lever?

seesaw, scissors, pliers.
The fulcrum is in the middle of the object, output force is at the end of the object.

What are 2nd class levers?

wheelbarrows, baby strollers, bottle openers. the Fulcrum is at the end of the object, the output force is in the middle and the input force is at the other end.

What are 3rd class levers?

baseball bat, fishing poles, shovels

Which characteristic of a wave must change in order to affect the pitch of a sound?


What is wavelength?

crest to crest. The distance between 2 consecutive points on a wave.

What is a waves crest?

Is the top of it's "hill

What is amplitude?

it is the height, the distance between the resting position and its crest.

The sun converts nuclear energy to electromagnetic energy and thermal energy. Which of the following is the best example of a change from thermal energy to chemical energy when solar energy reaches the earth?
a. evaporation of ocean water from solar energ

c.sugars in the leaves of plants. plants convert solar energy into chemical energy using photosynthesis. Thermal energy is the energy in substances. Chemical energy is stored in the bonds of atoms and molecules. Because plants manufacture carbohydrates, p

A battery turns on a light bulb. What type of energy transformation is this?

Chemical energy converted to electrical energy. The battery converts stored (potential) chemical energy to electrical energy.

A nuclear reactor that powers an electric generating plant relies on:
A. cold fusion
b. fission
c. fusion
d. fission and fusion

b. fission. all nuclear reactors in use today obtain energy through nuclear fission, which releases energy when a heavy nucleus splits into smaller fragments

A spacecraft uses its engines to escape the earth's gravitational pull. Once in space, the spacecraft does not need its engines to stay in orbit. Which of the following best explains why an astronaut in orbit is weightless?
a. The spacesuit creates an air

c. the earth's gravity pulls the spacecraft and the astronaut equally, but no force pulls the astronaut to the spacecraft.
Eliminate choice A because an individual in an air free environment would suffocate and Choice D because mass remains constant even

What are the longest and shortest light wavelengths ?

red is the longest, violet is the shortest.

As a covered kettle of vegetable soup continues to boil gently on the stove, what happens to the temperature of the soup?
a. it falls very slowly
b. it remains the same
c. it rises slowly
d. it rises rapidly

b. it remains the same

A commercial glass thermometer is partially filled with mercury. What physical principle best explains the use of mercury in thermometers?
a. the change in air pressure when air is heated moves the mercury
b. Liquid mercury expands at regular intervals up

b. Liquid mercury expands at regular intervals upon heating.

Why are enzymes important to the body?

1. essential during metabolism
2. permit certain chemical reactions to proceed at significant speeds.
3. Act as catalysts during the metabolic process.
4. Without enzymes many of the body's chemical reactions would not occur fast enough.
5. The body uses

Chlorophyll in green leaves absorbs ____ & _____ light and reflects __________

absorbs blue and red light and reflects green light.

All of the following must necessarily exist for all known forms of life except:
a. air
b. carbon atoms
c. nucleic acids
D. water

a. air. Some organisms (including yeasts and bacteria) are anaerobic - they exist without oxygen.

What is phototropism?

the movement of a plant in reaction to a stimulus ( a light source), ex: a plant bends toward a light source.

What is geotropism?

refers to the roots of a plant growing toward the center of the earth due to gravity

Earthquakes vary in intensity, depending on many factors. However, the strongest earthquakes usually occur near the edges of
a. divergent boundaries
b. convergent boundaries
c. transform boundaries
d. strike-slip faults

b. convergent boundaries.

The San Andreas Fault is an example of what kind of plate movement?

a transform plate. occurs when 2 plates slip past each other. These plates are generally moderate and relatively shallow,

The Mid-Atlantic Range is an example of what kind of plate movement?

divergent plate. Occurs when 2 plates pull away from each other. Such faults are generally weak and shallow.

The Himalayas and Andes are examples of what kind of plate movement?

Convergent. occurs when 2 plates push together- for example during mountain building in the Himalayas and the Andes. They are strong and deep.

The earth's climate is influenced by natural events such as volcanic eruptions. Which of the following statements is the most logical climatic consequence of cataclysmic volcanic eruptions?
a. a change in the earths orbit, resulting in increased earthquak

b. a decline in the sun's energy that reaches the earth, resulting in lower global temperatures.
Cataclysmic volcanic eruptions influence the climate by sending tremendous volumes of dust,ash and smoke into the atmosphere . The dust layer would act as a s

Almost all weather and cloud formations occur in the troposphere. Which type of cloud indicates an upcoming thunderstorm?
A. Cirrus
B. Stratus
C. Cumulonimbus
D. Altostratus

C. Cumulonimbus. they are the large dark clouds that indicate t-storms

What are cirrus clouds?

featherlike clouds that indicate fair weather

What are stratus clouds?

smooth layers of low clouds that indicate a chance of drizzle or snow.

What are Altostratus clouds?

they are piled in waves and indicate rain or snow.

Why is the climate on the west coast of California relatively cool during the summer compared to the temperatures on the east coast of New York?
A. The Gulf-Stream carries cold water from the Tropics to the North Atlantic Ocean.
B. The cold-weather Califo

B. The cold-weather California current creates cooler climates in coastal areas.

The purpose of a thermos or vacuum bottle is to keep hot things hot and cold things cold. Heat is thermal energy moving from a warmer object to a cooler object.
Using your knowledge of how heat is transferred:
1. List and define 3 ways that heat can be tr

1. 3 ways that heat can be transferred is conduction, convection and radiation.
Conduction - transmission of heat through a medium
Convection - transferring of heat by a circulating motion of particles (in liquid or gas).
Radiation - transferring of heat

Design an experiment based on distillation that would take a gallon of ocean water and purify it.

1. A distillation experiment is designed to separate substances in a liquid through vaporization. Ocean water is composed of a substantial amount of salt. Distillation is usually carried out in an apparatus called a still, which requires a boiler, a conde

Identify the stages of the cell cycle and explain what is happening during each of these stages.

1. interphase
2. prophase
3. metaphase
4. anaphase
5. telophase
1. Interphase - cell grows to its mature size. cell is preparing to divide into two cells and make a copy of its DNA.
2. prophase - cell division during mitosis. The chromatin in the nucleus

Almost all energy in an ecosystem starts with the sun. All ecosystems involve the transfer of energy from one organism to another.
Using your knowledge of ecology:
1. identify the energy flow through an ecosystem
2. explain an example of a food chain repr

1. Starts with the sun. moves from one organism to another in the form of food. The first link in an ecosystem is the producer, or a green plant. Photosynthesis allows for plants to create their own food. Then the next link is the herbivores (deer, rabbit

Earthquakes can occur in any area of the world. Identify the Ring of Fire and explain why there are fewer earthquakes on the east coast of the U.S. than on the West Coast.

The Ring of fire is associated with the plate boundaries surrounding the Pacific Ocean. Tectonic plates are giant masses of solid rock that float upon the earths mantle. The boundaries between the plates are likely areas for volcanoes to form. The Pacific

The rock cycle involves 3 types of rocks.
1. Identify the 3 types of rocks
2. explain the origin and characteristics of one type of rock, providing examples to support your answer.

1. Sedimentary
2. Igneous
3. Metamorphic
1. Sedimentary rocks- often deposited in distinct parallel layers. weathering and erosion break down other rock types into sediments. over time they become compacted and form into SR. Conglomerates are sedimentary

Over millions of years in the earth's geological history, the continents have changed position to their current locations. In the early 1900s, Alfred Wegener established the theory of the continental drift - the theory that the earth's continents were ori

1. 3 examples to explain the continental drift:
1. Paleontology - fossil evidence indicates the similarity of fossils in many continents on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.
2. Continental "jigsaw puzzle": The outlines of the continents seem to fit togeth