Moon, Eclipses and Ocean Tides


a shadow made when an object comes between the sun and another object producing a shadow.

Solar eclipse

when a new moon blocks our view from the sun

solar corona

the gases around the sun that are visible around the outside of the moon during a eclipse


the darkest part of the shadows cast by the moon

total solar eclipse

when people get complete darkness and are in the middle of the umbra


the larger part of shadow, which is less dark on the earth

partial solar eclipse

people in the penumbra that can only see the sun

how many moon motions are there?

2 moon motions

The moon ______ on its axis every ________ days

rotates, 23.7

the moon also ______ around the earth once every ______ days long meaning one year on the moon

revolves, 23.7

the moon rotates and revolves at the same rate, so the moon always has the _____ side facing the earth


new moon

when the sunlit side of the moon is facing away from the earth

waxing cresent

the portion of the moon that you can see is waxing into a crescent shape



first quarter

when half of the sunlit side of the moon showing as it is waxing


getting smaller

waxing gibbus

when the moon continues to grow and 3/4 of the moon is facing the earth

full moon

when the sunlit side of the moon is facing the earth

waneing gibbous

when the moon starts to wane and is 3/4 visible

third quarter

when half of the sunlit side of the moon is showing as it is waning

waneing crecent

the portion of the moon that you can see is waning into a crescent shape


the daily rise and fall of the earths coastlines

(essay question) How do tides happen?

the pull of the moons gravity on the earths water produces TIDAL BULDGE on the side closest and furthest from the moon. the sides with tidal buldes are having HIGH tide and the opposite sides would be having LOW tides. the earths rotation causes 2 high ti


lowest point of the day on the shoreline


highest point of the day on the shoreline

tides are not affected by what two items?

wind or waves

(essay question) what is a spring tide?

the sun also has a gravitational pull on the earth. depending on the suns position and the moons position the height of the tide will vary. if the sun and the moon are together, lined up in a 180 degree angle, there is more gravitational pull making highe

(essay question) what is a neap tide?

if the sun and the moon are perpendicular, or RIGHT angles from each other the tides are not as drastic which is a neap tide