Ch. 3 Science Test


has a Definite shape and volume; particles are densely packed together and only vibrate

crystalline and amorphous

2 types of solids

crystalline solid

includes sugar and salt; when heated it melts

Amorphous solids

includes plastics and rubber; When heated, does not melt to a specific temp.


have a Definite volume, no definite shape; particles are more loosely connected and can collide with and move past one another


A substance that flows

surface tension and viscosity

2 properties of liquids

surface tension

the molecules on the liquid's surface are closer together


A liquid's resistance to flowing


can change volume very easily; the atoms and molecules are free to move independently and collide frequently


change from a solid to a liquid


when a substance __________, the particles in a solid vibrate so fast that they break free from their fixed positions


Change from liquid to solid


When a substance _______, the particles in a liquid move so slowly that they begin to take a fixed positions


The change of state from a liquid to a gas


_________ takes place when the particles in a liquid gain enough energy to move independently, forming a gas

evaporation and boiling

2 types of vaporization


vaporization that takes place only on the surface of a liquid


when a liquid changes to a gas below its surface as well as at the surface


the change in state from a gas to a liquid


During ____________, the particles in a gas lose enough thermal energy to form a liquid


solid to gas


__________ occurs when the surface particles of a solid gain enough energy to form a gas

volume, temp., and pressure

when working with a gas, it is helpful to know its _______, ________, ___________

the force of its outward push divided by the area of the walls of the container

What is the formula for the pressure of a gas?

Charle's law

When the temp of a gas at constant pressure is increased, its volume increases. When the temperature of a gas at constant pressure is decreased, its volume decreases.

Boyle's Law

When the pressure of a gas at constant temperature is increased, the volume of the gas decreases. When the pressure is decreased, the volume increases.