Ch. 6.2 Work of Streams

How do streams erode their channels?

abrasion/grinding/dissolving materials

What is dissolved load?

a solution of stream water and dissolved materials being transported

What is suspended load?

the largest part of a stream's load is carried in suspension; sand, silt, and clay are carried like this/ load increases during floods

What is bed load?

solid material carried in a stream along the bootom (bed) of the stream channel

Capacity is:

MAXIMUM load it can carry -- greater the volume of water, the greater the load it can carry.

Competence is:

measured by the largest particles a stream can carry. Velocity increases competence.


sorted material deposited by a stream


sediment formed where a stream enters a lake or ocean/often triangular in shape

Natural levee

ridge,made up of coarse sediments, that parallel some streams/caused by overflowing streams

Narrow valleys

V-shaped valley; waterfalls and rapids are typical features

wide valleys

formed after the stream has made a narrow valley/usually has a floodplain


when river overflows, this plain gets flooded