Earth Science Unit Test

Sedimentary Rock

Forms when particles from other rocks or the remains of plants and animals are pressed and cemented together


Oceanic crust sinks beneath a deep-ocean trenches and back into the mantle (occurs at a convergent boundary)

Convergent Boundary

Two plates move toward each other

Divergent Boundary

Two plates move away from each other. A rift valley is formed along this boundary.

Transform Boundary

Two plates slide past each other


Heat transfer by movement of a fluid

Igneous Rock

Type of rock that forms from the cooling molten rock at or below the surface (granite, basalt, pumice)

Metamorphic Rock

Forms from an existing rock that is changed by heat, pressure, or chemical reactions


Process where an igneous rock changes to a sedimentary rock

Alfred Wegener

First person to explain the theory of continental drift. It was rejected because he could not explain the force that pushes or pulls the continents

Mechanical Weathering

Causes most weathering rock in Connecticut

Sea-floor spreading

Process that adds new material to the ocean floor (occurs at a divergent boundary) Molten material beneath the surface rises and erupts - Older rock moves outward - Molten material cools and forms a strip of solid rock


Caused when Earth's crust is squeezed together by the movement of tectonic plates


Breaks in Earth's crust where rocks have slipped past each other

Plate boundaries

Put stress on rocks which cause earthquakes

Reverse Fault

Hanging wall moves up


Layer of rock that forms on Earth's outer skin


Solid, hot plastic like rock, convection currents occur here

Outer core

Liquid molten rock. Convection currents occur here

Inner Core


Normal Fault

Hanging wall slips down to the footwall

Strike-slip Fault

Slide past each other


Stress that pushes a mass of rock in two opposite directions


Magma that reaches the Earth's surface


Squeezes rock until it folds or breaks


Pulls on the crust, stretching the rock so that it becomes thinner in the middle