Ch. 1.3 Representing Earth's Surface

Distance north or south of equator:

latitude --measured in degrees

Distance east or west of Prime Meridian

longitude--measured in degrees


imaginary line running sideways around Earth (like a belt).
0 degrees

Prime Meridian

imaginary line running long ways around Earth; 0 degrees

Do all maps distort some part of Earth's surface?

Yes. Different maps distort different parts

Mercator Projection Map

1569; sailors still use; shows directions accurately! Distorts size & distance

Robinson Projection Map

shows distance, size & shape accurately. Distorts around the edges of map

Conic Projection Map

much distortion in areas away from particular latitude; used to make road & weather maps

Gnomonic Projections

shows shortest distance between 2 points accurately

Topographic Map

shows 3 D surfaces (mountains, bodies of water, buildings) in 2 dimensions; uses contour lines to show elevation

contour lines

contour lines show a particular elevation; adjacent lines show change in elevation.

contour lines: circles

circles represent a hill

Geologic Map

shows the type and age of exposed rocks in an area

What can GPS be used for?

track wildlife, study earthquakes & measure erosion. (Do we give up privacy for this convenience?)

Distance north or south of equator:

latitude --measured in degrees

Distance east or west of Prime Meridian

longitude--measured in degrees


imaginary line running sideways around Earth (like a belt).
0 degrees

Prime Meridian

imaginary line running long ways around Earth; 0 degrees

Do all maps distort some part of Earth's surface?

Yes. Different maps distort different parts

Mercator Projection Map

1569; sailors still use; shows directions accurately! Distorts size & distance

Robinson Projection Map

shows distance, size & shape accurately. Distorts around the edges of map

Conic Projection Map

much distortion in areas away from particular latitude; used to make road & weather maps

Gnomonic Projections

shows shortest distance between 2 points accurately

Topographic Map

shows 3 D surfaces (mountains, bodies of water, buildings) in 2 dimensions; uses contour lines to show elevation

contour lines

contour lines show a particular elevation; adjacent lines show change in elevation.

contour lines: circles

circles represent a hill

Geologic Map

shows the type and age of exposed rocks in an area

What can GPS be used for?

track wildlife, study earthquakes & measure erosion. (Do we give up privacy for this convenience?)